Chapter Three

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The kiss was soft and sweet. They both felt like they were floating on a cloud. Chelsea felt was she thought was love but she couldn't be sure. Mike knew he felt love. He hadn't ever felt this way about a woman as beautiful as her ever! They parted and his forehead stayed on hers. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes and she looked back into his. All of the sudden, they heard cheering. The guys appeared from behind the walls, separating the beds from one another.
"Mike you kissed my sister!" Chet yelled and charged at Mike. Stoker put his hands up in defense and moved to the side. Chet fell into the wall and screamed.
"Oww that hurt!! Mike you aren't supposed to kiss my sister!"
"Johnny's done it too."
"I approve of him but I don't approve of you! Your a stupid engineer! You don't even count as a fireman! You never fight the fires! You never pull the hoses! You never rescue people from burning buildings only to see the building collapse right before your eyes! Gage is a paramedic! He could take care of her, but you couldn't!" Chet spat. Captain Stanley heard it all.
"Chet! In my office. NOW!" Cap yelled and stormed into the apparatus bay. He couldn't believe one of his firefighters was downing another one. If it wasn't for Mike, they wouldn't be able to put out fires. Mike is the most reliable person Cap has ever known. Cap made his way to his office and sat down, thinking about what Chet's punishment could be. He couldn't kick him out of the program because Chet wasn't a boot. Chet walked into the office and sat down in the chair in front of Cap. He looked at his hands, prepared for what was gonna happen.
"Chet, why did you down my engineer?" Cap asked coolly.
"Because I don't approve of him dating my sister, let alone kiss her." Chet answered calmly and quietly.
"Your sister can take care of herself. She's a big girl. She's also the finest paramedic and fireman I have ever seen. Mike Stoker has also been the best firefighter I have ever seen in my life. Them two would make a great couple and I know your trying to protect your sister but who would you rather her date?"
"Marco or Johnny."
"But why? Mikes just as good as them."
"I don't know. Mike doesn't talk a lot and I don't trust people who don't talk a lot."
"He talks a lot when he's around Chelsea. But he's not a loudmouth like you are."
"I'm not a loud mouth."
"For your punishment, you are gonna be doing everything around here. Cleaning everything without anyone's help. If I find out you conned someone into helping you, the punishment will be more severe."
"How will they know not to help me clean?"
"I'm gonna tell them, don't worry I know how to do my job." Cap got up and Chet got up too.
"Don't ever down one of my firemen again or you will get thrown out of this firehouse. And I will make it very hard for you to get another firefighting job anywhere." Cap pointed at Chet.
"Okay. I won't."
Mike leaned his head against Chelsea's shoulder and she put her arm around him.
"Don't listen to Chet. He's just jealous. In my opinion, your the hottest guy I have ever seen." She kissed his cheek.
"Thanks babe. Your the best." He smiled at her and Cap burst into the room.
"Guys listen up!! Don't help Chet clean up. He is on probation. He has to clean the fire station everyday. Don't let him con you into helping him." Everyone nodded and Cap left the room. Chelsea got up and walked out of the dorm and into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. She knew she'd never get to finish the cup because the klaxons always rang in the middle of her coffee break. She got a cup of coffee and waited. The other guys shuffled into the day room and smiled at Chelsea.
"Chelsea! I have something to tell you!" Marco said and made his way over to Chelsea.
"Your pretty." He said. Mike rolled his eyes and grabbed a cup to get some coffee.
"I'm so tired and I also miss Johnny." Chelsea said and Mike agreed.
"What time is it?" Marco asked and then looked down at his watch.
"15:30." In other words it was 3:30. The whole fire station used military time because when they got called to an emergency, the dispatcher used military time. They liked the military time system and nobody ever used the general time anymore. The klaxons rang out and the firemen all put their coffee down.
"Station 51, Squad 51, Station 10, Station 8, Station 32, Station 106, Battalion 14, Station 52, Structure Fire at chemical plant. 2456 Ocean. 2456 Ocean. Cross street Overlook. Timeout 15:32." Captain wrote down the address and replied.
"Station 51 10-4 KMG 365." Cap handed Roy the slip and then ran to the engine. The Squad pulled out first and then the engine pulled out next.
"Isn't it weird that we're working with our old Stations in the structure fire?" Chelsea asked Roy.
"Yeah it is. I'm looking forward to seeing Dale Sanders from Station 10."
"He cussed me out."
"Okay I'm not looking forward to seeing him then." Roy stated and drove on to the location. When they arrived on scene, the chemical plant was up in flames. Three stories of chemicals, up in flames. The Battalion chief wasn't there yet so Cap told the Station what to do.
"Stoker and Chelsea pull that line, and get a hold on that fire!"
"DeSoto help Lopez with another line on the west side." Everyone moved into position. Stoker got behind Chelsea and put a firm hand on her shoulder. The water spewed out and she moved the hose from left to right to try to control the flames. Chelsea felt the heat get stronger. She dropped the hose and motioned everyone to move back. They all dropped their hoses and ran for safety. Chelsea dropped behind the engine and covered her head. The building blew and debris rained down on them.
"Get back in there!" Cap said and they all rushed back to their positions and turned on their hoses again. Engine 10 pulled up and Cap gave orders over the HT.
"Engine 10, pull up to the hydrant on the east side and pull a line to the north side."
"Engine 52, help Engine 10 get their lines pulled out."
"Chelsea it's gonna blow." Chelsea dropped the hose again and moved back. Everyone else did the same. Another explosion rocked the engines and they moved to contain the fire. After 3 hours the fire was finally under control. The Squad and Engine was released from cleanup since they were first on scene. Chelsea drove to Rampart to check on Johnny. They walked to the nurses station and found Dixie.
"Can we go see Johnny?" Chelsea asks.
"Yeah. Right this way." Dixie smiles at them and they take the elevator up to Johnny's room. When they walked into the room, Johnny's eyes were open. Johnny looked at the woman he loved and smiled his crooked grin. Chelsea forgot about her feelings for Mike and ran to Johnny. She laced her fingers with his and kissed his hand.
"Johnny I'm sorry!" She said and he shushed her.
"It's okay. It was my own fault. I don't ever want to go through that again." Johnnys voice comforted her.
"Guess what happened when we were taking you to the hospital on the back of the engine?"
"What happened?"
"Marco was driving the Squad and he saw some smoke coming from the hood. He told Cap that he thought something was wrong. Marco got out of the drivers seat and then flames shot out from the hood. The whole thing blew up like 6 or 7 times. It was bad. We got another Squad and new turnout coats and new paramedic jackets."
"Wow that's bad. Why didn't you guys wait for an ambulance?"
"Because you would have been dead by the time they got there. It was better to take you on the engine."
"Oh. Are you okay?"
"I'm a little worried about you but I'm okay I guess." Chelsea stared down at her hands and sighed. Johnny looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and pondered confessing his love for her. Chelsea looked at Johnny and decided to tell him that Mike and her kissed.
"Can I tell you something without you cutting again?" Chelsea asked.
"I kissed Mike."
"It's fine. I don't care. We aren't dating so it really doesn't matter." Johnny decided to tell her that he has feelings for her.
"Chelsea, I also have something to confess." Johnny prepared himself to tell her.
"Go ahead Johnny." Chelsea urged him on.
"I have loved you ever since I saw you. The very first time I saw you, I was amazed by how beautiful and amazing you were. When I found out that you were a firefighter, I fell in love with you more. I watched how you rescued people and how well you worked with even the hardest patients. You acted like Dixie McCall, getting stubborn patients to work with you. You were basicly the paramedic verison of her, and thats what I adored about you too. At the station, the guys always play jokes on you, and you always get them back. You take all the jokes and your personality is enough to make any guy fall in love with you. I know there is a lot of other guys chasing after you, and you really hate this but I want to ask you something. Chelsea Kelly, will you be my girlfriend?" Johnny hoped the answer would be yes.
"I'm not so sure I'm ready for a relationship yet Johnny. I do like you but I'll let you know when I'm ready. I promise." Judt at that moment, Dr. Early walked in and cut through the awkwardness.
"Hello Johnny. How are you feeling?" Dr. Early asked, holding Johnnys chart.
"Good I guess. I'm tured of sitting in this hospital bed though. When can I go back to work Doc?" Johnny asked hopeful.
"You can go home today but you can't go back to work until next Wednesday. You need to give your body time to rest." Dr. Early said and Johnny sighed, obviously annoyed.
"Okay. I'm ready to go home at least." Johnnys nurse unhooked his I.V. and they all left to let Johnny to get dressed. Roy ran to Chelsea and let her know that they had a run.
"Where to?" She asked.
"44 Westwood Palms. The complex is on fire. A resident said they saw smoke coming out from apartment 2D and soon enough the whole complex was on fire." Roy said.
"Thats were Johnny lives. Looks like he doesn't have an apartment anymore." Chelsea said and they drove to the location of the fire. Even though there was no injuries, Squad 51 still had to respond because they're firefighters too. They arrived at the scene and pulled the lines to put out the fire. After they had put out the fire, Captain Stanley investigated the scene and determinted the fire started by a match thrown into the gas stove.
"I can't believe it. Now Johnny's homeless." Roy says, while they are driving to Rampart to pick up Johnny.
"Not necessarily. I think I'm gonna ask him to stay with Chet and I. I mean it would be good for him. He could always sleep in my bed with me." Chelsea suggested while Roy backed the Squad into the ambulance entrance of the hospital.
"I get what you're saying, Chels. I think it would be good for him. I don't think he wants to hear a baby scream at all hours of the night. Thats what he would get if he stayed with me." Chelsea giggled as they walked into Rampart and saw Johnny talking to a Rescue Squad over at the base station.
"10-4 Squad 45. Start I.V. with D5W and transport immediately."
"10-4 Rampart. E.T.A is about 15 minutes." Johnny walked over to Chelsea and Roy, to see what they were up to.
"Whats up?" Johnny asked. Chelsea whispered to Roy and he nodded.
"Johnny we just got a call out at 44 Westwood Palms. Your apartment burned down due to someone breaking in and starting the fire in the kitchen. The police are investigating the scene. But in the meantime, I was wondering if you would like to stay with Chet and I. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to but its an offer." Johnny sighed.
"I don't care about my apartment. It was in a bad neighborhood. I will stay with you Chelsea. Thanks for the offer." Johnny answered with the usual crooked grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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