Chapter Ten

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There are people in this world who would kill you for an iPhone

Chapter Ten

"It was insane!" I shouted, but then quickly realized I was being way to loud, so I lowered my voice to a whisper, "I thought they were going to kill each other or something." I sat on my bed, as I was talking to Maggie on my cellphone. I still haven't found out why the hell she was acting so strange at the cemetery, but I didn't question her about it any further. In fact, she seemed to have chosen to forget about it, as she hasn't brought it up once.

She's finally back to her normal self, too. 

"You really should have called the police." Maggie said, though there was a slight bit of humor in her tone, "Or you could have played the damsel in distress role, and totally barged in. That would have been so hot."

I shook my head as if she were actually in the room with me, "You're such an idiot." I said with a grin.

"At least I didn't stand in the middle of an alleyway watching some mafia event."

"They weren't part of the mafia." I said with fake annoyance, "They were just two men who were probably in some bad business."

"So, like drugs."

"No." I sat down on my bed, "No, they were fighting over a woman."

I heard her gasp, "A love triangle! You totally should have interfered! One of them could have fell in love with you." I heard her squeak through the phone, "You could of had a mafia prince all to yourself. How goddamn hot is that?"

"The man had a knife! I probably would have been stabbed to shreds."

"Girl, it would so have been worth it."

"Shut up." I laughed, and she did too. "In all seriousness though, Maggie. I really hope the guy is okay."

"You mean the one that was stabbed?"

I nodded, but remembered I was talking on the phone. "Yeah."

"You know, we could check it out later."


"The crime scene. Like you said, this is all seriousness, there could be a guy lying on the alley ground bleeding to death."

"It was the popular alleyway, the one decorated. I'm sure someone would walk down there and see him."

"And if he bleeds out and dies before they do? Wouldn't that murder be on our hands?"

"We weren't the ones that stabbed him."

"But we could have done something to prevent a death!"

"He wasn't stabbed in any place to extreme, I'm sure he's fine."

"You left before you saw it all, you don't know that." Damn it, she was making really great points.

Sure, I didn't want the man to die, but I sure as hell didn't want to go back down there. What if both the men were still there? Including the one who went all Michael Myers on the other guy? I don't need any knives in my body anytime soon.

Besides, it was none of my business, for all I know, they could have made up and shared the woman.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever come up with.

I am damn pathetic.

"Fine." I huffed through the phone, as I was pinching myself morbidly, "We should probably go."

"Obviously." She snorted, "I'm already driving down your street, I'll be there in like, thirty seconds."

I rolled my eyes, and hung up on her without saying goodbye. What was the point in asking me to go, if she was already on her way to pick me up?

I quickly put my grey sweater on, and hopped into my shoes before racing downstairs faster than lightening.

My mom was at work, and my dad was still on a rather important business trip, so I have had the house to myself for quite some time now.

I opened the front door to be greeted by Maggie who jumped and hugged me the moment I saw her face.

"Let's go you fatty." She said as she intertwined her arm with mine.

"I'm the fatty?" I asked, giving her an amused look.

"Wow, let's not point fingers here."

I shook my head, and allowed her to guide me out the door. We hopped into her car, and she drove at an uncomfortably fast pace.

"Woah, calm down." I stated as I was clutching onto my seat-belt for dear life.

"That guy isn't going to get anymore alive. We've got to hurry, duh."

"We don't even know if he's there, which, odds are, he probably isn't."

"Yeah, but I want to be a hero, and be on the news, and make lots of money for saving a strangers life."

"Right." I said flatly, "because you don't want to do it to boost your morality. I should have known you were way to keen on this idea."

"It's not my fault I was born a cheapskate." She defended herself as she pressed her foot against the gas pedal, making us fly down the empty highway.

"You blow all your money on food, you stupid fool."

"And I wouldn't be the hot, curvy mess that I am, if I didn't save my money from shopping on stupid stuff, that our generic generation tends to overdo."

I grunted, "You mean like new clothes and shoes, and not ones that look like a grandma wouldn't even pick them out?"

She pointed to me, "Exactly."

I shook my head at her, and went on nearly the whole way there, about how she needed to start respecting herself more, and go on a diet.

She didn't coincide.

After attempting over and over, and finally giving up. We both endured the silence until the car came to a stop, and I hopped out, as she did.

"There it is." I sighed, as we stood in the entrance of the colorful and well presented alley. I felt like I should run, away in fear, and maybe vomit a little on the way.

It wouldn't surprise me if God was shouting, and maybe even begging me not to go in there. It was almost like I could feel my guardian angel ready to strangle me from the thickness of my blunt idiocy.

"Doesn't look like the right setting for a murder." I heard Maggie say, as she walked over to me. "Personally, I'd just burn the body. I mean, I don't understand why murderers don't do that. Why dump it somewhere, or bury it? Just burn the body and spread the ashes in an ocean or something."

"Hey Maggie?" I shot her a glance.


"Shut up."

She nodded her head, "Right."

I patted her back, before entering the alley. If I was going to die here, I might as well look tough doing it. 

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