Chapter Twelve

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I have a certain playlist that I have to listen to when I write or else I can't write at all. 

It's an intelligent playlist 

i do like ginger tea though

Chapter Twelve

He used me. One moment, I was confident with the fact that I caught him red-handed doing the insane, and the next moment, I got myself a new career, having him as my boss.

I was born blessed with a life-long gift of bad luck.

"I have no choice." I said with a huff. "Not only do I have to work alongside that freak, but Maggie." I turned to look at her, "I'm going to have to face Amanda's grave every single time I'm there."

"So what are you going to do?" Maggie said as we both stared down at the black dress that I had laid out onto my bed. Mr. Parity had made a 'special' trip to his cemetery to retrieve it for me. I was told it was to be my new uniform, of working at such a high and exclusive place.

Kill me now.

"Bear through it. It's not like I have any options anyway." 

Maggie sighed, "Well, get ready, I'll drive you."

"My mom is already going to be pissed enough that I'm going to skip school today." I said with a slight whisper, knowing she was still in bed, though her room was all the way across the house, I still felt like she could hear me with her unusual 'mother-senses'. It's a thing, trust me.

"Don't worry about that." Maggie said, "I'll call in for you and tell them you're sick."

"You do have an odd, mature voice." I said nodding my head in agreement, "I bet that could work."

"I have an odd, mature voice because I'm fat, it's a plus side to these curves." She slapped her hip and posed like a model would. 

I rolled my eyes, and snorted, "There is no plus size for being a fat horse, don't call your fifty pound stomach a 'curve' when you know it's a triple-sized beach ball."

She gave me a stern look, but failed at the attempt and began to laugh, "It's no wonder why you have no friends."

I pointed at her, "I don't sugarcoat things like the media. If you're fat, you're fat, now help me get this dress on before I change my mind and my family becomes homeless." I slipped on the dress, and she zipped up the back. I avoided even glancing in my mirror, as I knew I looked like a joke. I sure as hell felt like one.

"Let me feed Poppy." I said, as Maggie took out her keys. I ran into Amanda's room, and opened the bunny's cage. The fluffy creature seemed excited for it's meal, as it began to wriggle in my arms as I grabbed it's food bowl out of the cage. Just looking at Poppy made my heart shatter as I thought of how much my sister had loved her. I, personally, don't believe I could ever love a bunny that was once the property of my dead loved one, but no matter the cost, I will do whatever I must to keep it living with me in this household.

Placing the animal back into it's cage, I quickly wiped a lonely tear that decided it'd rebel and run down my cheek. Angry at the fact that I might ruin my already messed up makeup (I don't wear it very often) I stood up, and quietly tip-toed down the stairs, and out of the house before my mother noticed I was even gone.

I skipped over to Maggie's car, where she was talking on her phone, "Yes, Avril Adler will not be attending school today."


"The reason? She's sick, can't even make it off the couch, poor girl. As her mother I feel hopeless." 

I gave her a look, telling her to cut the dramatic act and hang up before they get too suspicious, but she ignored me.

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