Updates/News/ Status

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Hi Everyone~!!
I'm still alive in Wattpad, although I been super busy the past few days. ^~^
I'm sorry if I haven't read or voted any few of your stories as I did back then, and I haven't even updated my stories in such a while.

I shall rant EVERYTHING (most of it) that's been occurring recently for me. Let's see how should I start off, hmmm.
*Ponders for a minute*

First of all (School-Related), I'm currently on my sixth week of school (if I'm correct) and it's been an..interesting experience so far with only a few major events kicking in the new school year already.
Second for those who don't know yet, I'm running for 9th Vice-President at my school and have been working on my speech for Election day which is this upcoming Friday.
As well as my presidential posters that I'm planning to print tomorrow after-school.

*Horrible Status*
Recently I been having emotional and stress anxiety ever since the middle of summer and have double in school because of my terrible dilemma situation that a few of you know already. ( For those who think it's just school drama, it's not.
I been dealing with this stupid love/friendship deal for three years. Yet those around me don't get the picture and act selfish. But there's a few who are kind, mature and caring. ^^ Even a few you on Wattpad. They know are. )

For the second bad news is I been getting a lot of homework specifically Biology that has been taking up my Wattpad time!
Because I feel bad that I leave a few followers and friends hanging and haven't talked to them in a while. But it's school.
Also they might have started school too,
need to take that in consideration.
That's it for the bad news. Now to the good news~!!!

Good News/Updates~!
I have a few new ideas on upcoming books to publish.
* A OC Book
* Pictures of OCs Book
* Possibly a Art Book
* A Cover/ Picture Design Book
Any suggestions? I'm always open to everyone.
In order to do these books and update frequently I thought of an idea.
I need my very own Wattpad Team. It's a project I been planning for a while now.
A team of friends/followers who would like participate that specializes in different attributes and skillz. What do you think of the idea? Feedback? This team wouldn't just be for me but for each other.
This team would have to respect and help each other out wherever they need a help on their own stories. I'll talk more about the rules and regulations in the next rant hopefully. Perhaps teach each other about their own skills and help them in the field they need. Obviously if you're busy school or with your personal agenda that's understandable since that includes myself.
Comment or PM if you're slightly interested in any positions or have any ideas.
* A Co Writer
* At least two Artists
* One or more Cover Designer/Creators


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