Pet Peeves

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1. When you are picturing this beautiful scene from a book and everything is perfect and then the author puts in one little detail that ruins the entire thing. Like "the cathedral was large and light shone from every angle" so you're picturing a giant chandelier on the ceiling and it's so great but then boom "although there was no lights, there were candles" beautiful chandelier ruined.

2. When you snapchat someone and they reply like 12 hours later with a "ok" and you forget what you said so you ask them but they forgot too so you don't know what they said ok too. Arrrg this is the worst.

3. When a cat flicks its tail in your face. Self explanatory.

That's all for now but I will update this! Please vote comment and follow! Also check out my other story "The Dome" byee! -Jem

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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