Chapter 1

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All I see is black. Nothing but black. I try to find a light switch, star, any sign of light, but there's nothing. I reach out my hand and feel something long, hard, and smooth. Just as I realize what it is, I hear a crack! So loud, after, I hear a vary high pitched ring. I feel the pain ripple over me and realize that I am falling. When I hit the hard ground, I am a wolf. Beautifully white, with a black streak under my left hind leg. I close my eyes and imagine home. Two story house with a basement which my room is located in. The beautiful forest behind it with the sent of pine in the air. When I open my eyes, everything changes. The forest turned to fire, my home disappeared, and the smell of blood filled my nose. The pain, oh God, the pain. I couldn't take it, I just couldn't.

"Alix! Alix!" I opened my eyes and Rein, my sister, is over me with a worried look on her face. I sit up and look around. I'm in my room.

"I'm safe," I say as I look down at my hands. They are shaking violently with the pounding of my heart in my ears.

"Was it the same one? With the gun?" I nodded my head "yes". Mom came in and sat on my bed. I look over at my clock. 2:00 p.m. exact. Rein looks over at mom. "It's always the same one at the exact same time. What do you think it means?"

"I don't know. Do you still feel pain? from the gun? the fall? Was anything added to the dream?"

I think for a few seconds and answer,"I fell,and when I hit the ground I was as a wolf." I didn't want to tell her about the rest, so I shut my mouth there. I stand up and walk around. Mom stands up and hugs me, squeezes the back of my neck, then rubs my back for either my comfort or hers. We let go and I turn to Rien who is still sitting on my bed. "Rein, May I sleep in your room? I don't care if it's on the floor or not, I just want to stay out of my room for a while."

Rein knows I want to talk to her about this and says yes. We start to walk out of the room with mom in the lead. She stops outside my doorway and looks frightened as if she's the one who had the dream herself. As I pass mom, I give her a hug. "Try not to worry mom, you'll become paranoid."

"Whats up?" Rein looks at me with a worried face. She sits on her bed and motions me over. I remain standing and my eyes sting with tears as I remember the heat from the fire.

"I didn't tell mom the whole truth. I did fall as a wolf, but after I hit the ground, I closed my eyes and saw home with the forest behind it." Rein stands and looks wide eyed. "when I opened them, the forest turned to fire and i could..."

"...could smell the blood in the air. Did you hear anything?" she whispers.

I look up and stair at her. "No, No I didn't; other than my heart pounding and the crackling of the fire, no."

Rein grabs a pillow from the top of her black and purple bed. The sheets black as night and the thick blanket rolled to the side and electric violet with designs on the sides. She through a pillow at me and i catch it hugging it close to my chest. I walk to the window seal and grab the extra blanket at the foot of Rein's bed. I make a presentable place to sleep by the window and cover up in the blankets after i turn out the light.

Rein lays in her bed and whispers," Love you sis. And we will figure this out." She changes positions on her bed and exhales. She's quiet and I lay still for about ten minutes. I roll over to where I'm looking out the window and put my hands under the pillow as I relax my head. I see the forest and imagine it as a safe zone that always calls my name.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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