Part 1: "Hide and Seek."

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((A.N: WARNING!BLOOD AND GORE! Please read at your own risk. Also I have replaced the title of this since this shall be on-going instead of a one-shot.))

You are (Y/n) Ackerman. You are quite known around the HQ as Humanity's cutest child due to the perky, bubbly attitude you show on a daily bases. There's only one thing no one tends to notice about you. You have fear, even with a smile plastered on your face you still have fear. You always tried to brush it aside and conquer it but that will never happen, especially when you find out what your father does in his spare time. It all started on a cold winter day. Squad Levi was chosen to stay behind with you while everyone else went on a two day expedition beyond the wall. You didn't mind this at all, happy you can finally spend time with your friends and your father. You walk with confidence as you approach Levi's office. There were a set of voices behind the door. You decide to be a little snoopy and listen in.

"Captain, when will we be getting (Y/N) up?" Petra asked in a soft voice. You smiled to yourself, glad she cared for you.

"Tch, she's already up brat." Levi said in his usual cold voice, making you a tad bit sad. You never knew why he was so mean to everyone except you. It's as if he's Jekyll and Hyde, happy around you yet mad at everyone else. You sighed and shrugged it off.

"Oh I see sir." Petra had a disappointed tone to her voice. She saluted him and heads for the door. You wait on her, getting a idea to try and scare her. She exits and you jump on her, making her squeak. Levi stood and goes to see what happened, hearing the thud of the two hitting the ground. As Levi exited his office he held back a growl, watching his daughter and Petra giggle. "Gotcha!" You said in a bright, triumphant voice. Petra giggled happily. "Indeed you did kiddo!" Levi looked at Petra for a moment, picking you up and holding you close. Petra was about to say something until Levi slammed his office door behind him. "Papa? Is something wrong?" You asked in a concerned voice. His usual stern features soften and he gave a small, reassuring smile. "No sweetie, papa's just a bit frustrated." He kisses your head and sets you down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. You look at him with excited eyes as he looked down at a pile of papers. "Can we play hide and seek papa?" You blurted out. He looked up at you and said in a soft voice. "Sweetie, how about a little later, alright? We can see if anyone else wants to play as well then." You gave a nod and yawn. You were still a bit tired from waking up earlier than you usually did. He took note of this, setting down the pen he was using on the papers and standing. He walked over to you and smiled sweetly as he picked you up. "Sweetie, go ahead and take a nap, i'll wake you up when it's lunchtime, okay?" You gave a nod and slowly begin to fall into a deep slumber, your father rocking you softly in his arms. He sits at his desk, letting you lean on his chest and sleep. Soft breathing, it was calming to him. He kissed your head and watched the door, going into deep thought.

~Levi's P.O.V~

"I wonder how long my sweet little baby will be out. She seemed so tired. I still can't understand why she had gotten up with me. Maybe she wanted to spend some quality time." Levi thought and leaned back in his seat with you. He sighed and let a low growl escape him. "Petra, how dare you touch my daughter. What's next, you'll take her away from me?" He clutched his fist and tried to calm himself. That's when a creepy smirk formed on his face. "I know what to do with you now Petra, and anyone else who dares touch my baby." He cooed to himself and softly chuckled, a hint of insanity lacing his soft laughter. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to steady himself, feeling as if someone was coming to speak with him. Indeed someone was, Petra herself. He gritted his teeth and said darkly. "Do you not have any common sense to knock? Tch, brat." He frowned at her as she apologized. 'The innocent act won't work on me Petra.' He thought for a moment. "What have you come for Petra?" He spat at her, frowning even more. "W-well sir...I-it's breakfast and I was w-wondering if you wanted s-some tea...." Petra said shyly, looking down at the floor. 'Stop playing innocent.' He said louder in his mind. He sighed. "No." She gave a small smile and a nod. "O-okay sir." She saluted and waited to be dismissed. 'Stop.' Levi stood and sets you down in his chair, you curled in a ball. Levi began to slowly walk to Petra, making her begin to tremble and back away. "Stop, being so...i-innocent." He said with a newly forming insane smirk. Petra trembled more. "C-corporal?" She said in a shaky voice, fear clear in it. Levi pinned Petra against the wall, pulling out a letter opener. "Petra, it's your time to go." Her eyes widen. "W-wha-" She was cut off by her own blood slowly filling her throat and mouth. Levi smirked as he drove the blade once again into Petra's neck, deeper this time. She tried to pull it out but before she could Levi did a sideways motion with the blade. Blood sprayed on the wall, floor and himself. "Tch, you made me filthy." Levi cooed as Petra fell to the floor, the brightness that once resided in her eyes gone. He chuckled insanely as he cleaned himself up. Next he hid the body in the cleaning supplies closet and cleaned the room. He quickly went to the bathroom, cleaning his face and changing clothes. He was twitchy, grin huge until he heard soft shuffling from his desk chair. He exits his bedroom and goes back into his office. You slowly begin to wake, yawning and stretching. Levi lost his insane grin and replaced it with a caring smile, going to you. "Hello sweetie. How did you sleep?" You look at him with still sleepy eyes, a smile gracing your cute features. "Good papa." You say with a giggle, getting up and hugging your father. He hugged back and smiles. "Let's go get some lunch dear." He takes your hand and leads you to the dinning hall.

~Time skip brought to you by Shitty-glasses!~

~No one's P.O.V~
Everyone in squad Levi was wondering where the hell Petra was. You were worried and asked Levi if you could look for her. He said no because ifshewas taken or worse, he didn't want the same fate for you. You sighed and sat next to Eld. He noticed the sad look on your face and pats your head, not saying a word. You smile to the action, hugging him. He blushes a soft shade of pink and turns his head away as you giggle, poking his cheek. He tried to not smile, this causing a casual looking Levi to grow hidden hatred for Eld now. "Oi, Eld can we perhaps talk in private?" Eld looked at Levi. "Alright sir." He said softly and stands, following Levi out of the room. Levi smirked to himself as he walked with Eld. Levi had a plan, all thought out in his head. He takes Eld to the basement/dungeon area where they keep Eren. "Eld, do you 'like' my daughter?" Levi asked in his usual voice, cold and heartless. Eld frowned and had a soft pink dusted on his cheeks. "No sir. I mean, (y/n) acts cute but I don't like her in 'that' way." Levi growled and a insane look formed on his usual cold features. "Liar!" Levi yelled and charged at Eld, throwing him off guard. Levi's eyes showed anger, pain, sadness, yet overall, the sweet sweet lust for blood. Eld falls as Levi pounced on him, his chuckling causing Eld to whimper. He pulled out a kitchen knife and stabbed Eld over and over. He let out a blood curling scream which made everyone in the dinning hall jump. "W-What was that?" You asked Gunther and Oluo. They frowned and stood up as footsteps reach the door. "Ohhhh (y/n)." Levi cooed as he opened the door. He was covered in blood, a insane smile plastered on his cold face. He tossed something at Oluo and Gunther. They looked at it. "T-that's....That's Eld's....h-head...." Oluo whispered and trembled. "Oh boys. Why don't we play a game of hide and seek? (Y/N) insisted earlier that we all play, and who am I to refuse?" Levi cooed and came closer. Gunther quickly grabbed you as terror filled their eyes. "Go." Levi said darkly. The three took off running from Levi as he counts to 100. Gunther thought of a place to hide you. He knew of a secret passage in his room. He ran and entered his room, getting the key to unlock the passage way. It broke off in the lock. "Shit!" He mumbled and decided to lock his door. He puts you up on top of a shelf, telling you to be quiet. There was another scream. Oluo. You tremble as tears stream your cheeks, your fear clear as day. You watch as Gunther pulled out his 3D maneuvering gear blades and waited for Levi. There was footsteps, loud footsteps. Levi's voice could be heard from the end of the hall. He was singing a song to himself.

"Hide and seek. Trains and sewing machines. All those years. They were here first." He sang and chuckled. "Oh (y/n)." He cooed and kicked down a door. Gunther flinched, only a few doors away. You tucked yourself into a ball, silently crying. 'Why would daddy do this?' You think and trembled as another door is kicked down, then another. Gunther's door was last. One swift kick and the door was down. Levi smirks and said in a sing song voice. "Hand over my baby Gunther and maybe I'll spare you." Gunther growled and said in a dark voice. "Like hell I'll hand over a child to a monster like you." Gunther growled and was ready to slice Levi when he came in. "Tch. I am your Corporal, now open the damn door Gunther!" Levi yelled. "No!" Gunther yelled back. Levi growled and kicked down the door. Levi entered as Gunther launched himself at the short corporal. "Run (y/n)!" He yelled at you, making you jump down and take off running. Gunther slices Levi's side but it wasn't enough to stop him. Levi stabs Gunther's eye, making him yell out in pain. He then stabs him in the chest, slicing down till Gunther's intestines fall out. He gasped as Levi smirked and stabbed Gunther in the neck, slitting it. Blood went everywhere in the room. "Tch." Is all Levi said as he stands. "(Y/n) where are you my dear?" He said loudly as you keep running. You go outside as he yelled again. "Don't think you can run my sweet little baby, because your mine." He walked outside as you run into the woods. Your eyes fill with more tears as you kept running. Levi wasn't close behind you at all. He didn't know where you were and became angry due to that fact his search for you was a fail. You fall over a stone after running deeper into the woods, scraping your knee. It begins to bleed as you whimper and tremble. Levi entered the woods, walking at a slow pace. "(Y/nnnn)" He said softly. His voice sounded distant to you as you limped over to a tree. He kept walking as you shiver and curl into a ball. You were scared and closed your eyes tightly..............Silence. No footsteps, no voice, no nothing. You open your eyes but you go as pale as a ghost when a voice whispered in your ear. "Mine."

Yandere Daddy Levi x Daughter Reader: "Mine."Where stories live. Discover now