Part 2: "More death?"

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It was the next day, one more day before anyone could save you from what you now believe to be hell. Your father was asleep beside you in a position that made you feel trapped. He was cuddling you, one arm under you arm and around your chest. His legs around yours, keeping you close. You were still asleep, a throbbing pain in your head. It was in sync with your heartbeat, opposite of your breathing. You slowly wake from what you believed to be a false reality. What you thought to be a nightmare simply reality consuming your dreams. The dreams of your mother, happiness, anything a child's imagination could create, consumed by blood, gore..and insanity. Your (e/c) orbs widen as you realize where you were and who you were with. You try to hold back a yawn but sadly couldn't, this waking your father. His cold steel eyes slowly look at yours, a smile forming on his face. "Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" You said nothing, not a single damn word. How could you say anything? You were being cuddled by a murderer who just happened to be your father. You close your eyes as he kissed your head, his lips chapped and cold. It made you shiver as tears slowly fill your tired eyes. You slowly reach your hand to your head which throbbed even harder. "O-Ouch." You whisper as Levi looked at you with great concern. "Are you alright sweetie?" He was playing the innocent act. "W-what happened to m-my head last n-night d-daddy?" You asked in a fearful voice. His sweet smile turned to a smirk. "Well sweetie you tried to run from daddy, so I had to take extensive measures, meaning I had to cause that nasty bump on your head." He said in a causal tone laced with caring. He reached his hand out to touch your head but you lean away from him, scared of what he may do to you. He sighed and frowned, letting you go from the cage like cuddling he had put you in. He stood and went into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. This was your chance. You got out of bed but bit your lip to the point of blood draw. The stinging pain in your knee was slowing your plan for escape. It was too late now, he had already come back. He noticed your up and the fact you were biting your lip. "Sweetie what else hurt's?" He asked, concerned for his sweet little daughter.

You wondered how to answer as he sat you down on the edge of the bed. He examined your arms and legs, his eyes soon landing on your knee. He began to hum a tune as he looked at your knee more closely. "Hmm, I didn't notice this." He said softly to himself, interrupting his own song as he looked at the still newly fresh wound on your knee. He looks at you with concerned eyes. "When did you get this sweetie?" His eyes met yours, you quickly looking away. He growled. "Who the hell did this to you?!" He yelled, making you flinch and tremble as he grabbed your shoulders. You tear up which snapped him to reality by the fact he scared you. "Shhh baby. It's okay my sweet little darling." He brings you into a tight embrace, beginning to cry. You kept trembling, tears running down your cheeks as he kissed you on the head. "I-I'm sorry....s-so sorry..." He whispered. You began to think he broke from all the stress lately. The contact between them becoming slim and unheard of. But no. "I-it''s alright." You whisper, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Once he heard those words, a insane smile became plastered on his face. "Good my dear, good." He chuckled like a mad man as you begin to tremble once again. You were scared and attempted to shove your father off. He kept smiling and chuckling, arms tighter around you. He frowned as he heard voices. "Dammit, shitty glasses and eyebrows returned early." His gaze fell onto the trembling you. "My sweet baby, do be quiet while papa takes care of this." He said with a smirk, getting up and going to the door. His eyes had a glint of hatred as he heard the voices grow closer. Then all the sudden the voices turned to yelling. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" Yelled Eren and Hanji was yelling "WHERE'S LEVI AND (Y/N)!?" Erwin yelled for the two, looking for them. Levi smirked and locked his bedroom door from the outside so you couldn't get out. You looked around the room. No windows except for in the bathroom. You limp to the bathroom, looking at the window. "Oh no." You whisper as you stare in disbelief at the window. The window had bars, vary thick bars. You tried to reach your hand through the bars but it was too tight a fit. "Nonononono! I can't die here!" You said aloud as tears fill your eyes. You were scared and thinking this was your end. No escape is all you repeated in your mind. You begin to search for something, anything. The window was a no-go, same for the door. You glance around and finally notice something in the corner of the ceiling. A passage way of sorts! You try to reach it. Nope, not gonna happen. New you try jumping, still a major nope. You go and get a chair from the small sitting area in Levi's room. Your knee stung the more you moved the chair. It was quite heavy for a chair and you took note of that. The noise the chair made was a little bit louder than you intended but you kept going, the chair finally reaching its new destination. You climbs up and push the button to the door, your weak arms pulling yourself into the cramped area. It was a tight fit but you made it in. You crawl through the new passage way as tears fill your eyes. A small blood trail had started due to your knee rubbing on the wooden flooring of the small space. There was a little light peaking through the holes in the walls which you used to lead the way. "Here I come safety! Here I come!" You whisper shout to yourself. You notice a latter as you timidly wrap your hands around the first two wooden bars. It squeaked against frame as you climb down. You had hope, vary much of it. As you climbs down you made it half way before a loud SNAP of the wood made you squeak. Your voice echoed in the small space as you shiver. You reach for a new wooden rail, the one you had a hold on broken. You continued down, further and further until your feet hit stone floors. The basement. Your eyes widen in shock as you throw open the hidden door, that's when you froze, trembling as you look around the room. Bodies of squad Levi scattered around the room. You teared up but wiped them away quickly, you knew they were in a better place now. You crawl out and close the door. That's when Eren ran down their, closing the heavy door quickly. He was panting, fear plastered on his face a the sound of slamming came from the door. "Open this damn door Jeager or I'll Bust it down!" Your father yelled through the door as his fist slammed on the thick wood. There was the sound of someone behind you coming from the hidden space you were in. You look as Erwin, Mikasa and Hanji come down. Your eyes brighten as you watched them. "(Y/n)!" Hanji whisper shouts, sighing of relief as she hugged you tightly. Erwin went to help Eren with keeping the door closed but that failed. Eren's eyes widen as Levi walked in with a wide grin plastered on his face. Eren was about to bite his own hand when Levi pointed the knife he was holding at him. "Now now Jeager." He cooed as he came closer. "No need to t-" Erwin pinned Levi against the wall while Eren picks you up and ran. Levi elbowed Erwin in the face as hard as he could, Erwin falling back and hitting his head on the bars of Eren's cell. He blacks out at Levi tied him up then left to find you. He chased the two of you, your eyes closed tightly as Eren kept running. He was panting, unable to keep the unusually fast pace. He looked at you and said to stay close as he put you down. You both ran side by side, him practically dragging you along as Levi began to catch up. His eyes had a gleam of hatred and insanity as he growls. His speed was becoming faster as he reached for you. You dodge his hand as Eren took you to another room, locking the door and stacking chair after chair in front of it. You begin to cry as Levi tries to get in. Eren looked at you. "(Y/N), I won't let him take you. I promise." You gave him a small smile even though you were in complete shock. You felt fear and sadness taking over your senses as you sit in the corner and rock yourself. 'The promise, Eren has to keep it. Please.' You think and shiver. A cold draft filled the room as you looked at the window, going pale. Levi used his 3D menuvering gear to reach the window. He smirked as glass was scattered around the room. Before Eren could even react Levi had you in his arms, a tight grip on you. "Goodbye Jeager." He jumps out of the window with you and speeds away with what gas he has in his tanks. You know in this moment. No escape once again. 'Eren lied...h- EREN!' Your eyes perked up as you saw what seemed to be lightning. Eren chases after the two of you in Titan form, eyes filled with rage. You tried to reach to him but Levi tightened his grip once more. He growled but his steel, once emotionless eyes widen as Eren finally grabs you, stopping and looking at what's in his closed hand. You look at him, hugging his thumb. "Thank you Eren!" You said happily but the happiness in your eyes soon replaced with fear again. Levi slices the nape of Eren's neck, making him all over and your body sent rolling on the grass. You whimper and try to stand but your leg wouldn't move. You look at it as your eyes widen. Bone was sticking out of you (s/c) toned leg. You gasp and whimpers more until a pair of arms pick you up. Tears stream your cheeks as Levi leaves with you, carrying you bridal style. "Don't worry my sweet little princess, I'll fix you up. But you need to be punished for leaving the room." He said with a wicked grin as he takes you to a 'unknown' location.

Yandere Daddy Levi x Daughter Reader: "Mine."Where stories live. Discover now