Part 8: "The Truth."

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It's a dark, freezing cold night. The hour unknown, yet expected to be midnight since the moon is highest in the sky. The familiar sound of rain pounding against wooden walls and a metal roof filled the silent room. (Y/n) laid asleep on the soft bed, handcuffs gone and the porcelain doll close to her chest along with the so called teddy-bear, Mr. (Name). "Wake up Missy, we have to go." The bear spoke softly to the female who was stuck in a world called Wonderland. 'Alice' opened her soft (e/c) orbs, looking into the damaged bears eyes. One (f/c) 'eye' (Button) was hanging by the string it happened to be attached to. The other was intact but had some stuffing coming out of a tear beside it. (Y/n) slowly rose and looked at the doll. The doll looked back with Lavender eyes. The dolls (h/c) locks framed it's face in multiple curls. "Hello." It spoke in a light Russian accent. (Y/n) flinched and backed away from the doll after it fell off the bed. "Will you please pick me up Miss. (y/n)?" The doll asked quietly. You became relaxed due to its soft voice, picking up the pale skinned doll and admiring it beautiful black Victorian style dress. You traced a shaking finger over the lace details. A shiver raked your frail body, head spinning lightly as you stood and looked around. The room was dark as usual, but a single candle was lit and burning softly. The smell of melting wax made you feel uneasy. The last time you smelled wax was when your mother tucked you in the last time, singing a tune you knew oh so well.

The candle blew out when the door opened to reveal a face you had come to dread. It was clean of any traces of dirt or blood. "Hello my sweet little princess." He cooed and walked in with a sweet smile. He just didn't seem right. He was too perky, too....normal.... You glanced at him with dull eyes, trembling lightly. The male you believed to be the devil himself approached and pulled you against his chest in a loving embrace. "Would you like to see what I've been working on sweetie?" You didn't have time to answer. Not a vocal reply nor a head shake. You were thrown over his shoulder, his smile nauseating and eerie. It was a sad and sickening aura given off by the male you called father. With each step approaching, you realized one thing. "Where are we father?" Your fathers steel eyes glanced at your (e/c) orbs. "What do you mean my dear?" "This isn't the same area." "You're quite right my dear." The older chuckled at her brains, he always knew his own flesh and blood was smarter than meets the eye.

You stayed silent after this as the male continued on. "You see my dear we're back in the walls. But..." He snickered and gets a insane look in his eyes. "No one knows where we are." He cooed and sets you with a light thud. You stand, looking up at the male as he opens a door and allows you to look at the outside world. High up in one of the many abandoned and somewhat damaged buildings behind Wall Maria, you started at the land destroyed by Titans. As you stare, he walks outside with a smirk, inhaling and exhaling. "Its a beautiful day outside, birds are are blooming." He looked back at you, his steel eyes staring into your now dull (e/c) orbs. "Your mother and I lived here at one point, just to settle down for a while before I had rejoined the Scouting legion. She was a cadet when I first had met her, but the way her (e/c) orbs lightened up at the sight of the world beyond the wall fascinated me. I fell in love with her at that moment. The way her lips moved to form a smile and her extensive personality change in a situation made me love her even more." You listened, looking out at the desolate land, eyes filling with tears. "This was the house we made you in. And here we are now..."

'What changed father?' You question internally as you watch the town. The buildings crumbled and soon enough they would collapse. "I would have done anything to save your mother, but your uncle had us split up for the greater good of the mission....I..." You hear him hold back a sniffle and glance at him, seeing the tears he held back from you oh so many times. "I would have died in her place....but of course you would have liked that more. Your mother could have done a better job taking care of you. She could have given you all you ever needed and more, where I...I have given you nothing but bloodshed." You turn your gaze back to the outside world. It was too dangerous to escape, but you knew you're screwed when his arms wrap around you, pulling you close as he sobs. "I'm so sorry my" You lower your head as your eyes close, tears falling and dripping onto his hands. He soon stops sobbing, hands wiping the salty liquid from her cheeks and smiling slightly.

"Would you like to hear a story about your mother?" Though the child hadn't enjoyed her fathers presence, she couldn't refuse a chance to learn more about her. "Of course."


(M/n) -A.N: Mother's name- was walking silently in the base in the latest hours of night. The only light to guide her to her room was the candle she held. Her commander forced her to clean and clean till her fingers bleed, then clean up the blood after her skin was torn and messy. She yawns and winced due to the stinging blood that dripped onto her bandaged fingers. Hopefully Commander Smith would be understanding as to why she couldn't participate in training that day. She walked with shaking legs and weak feet, trying to locate the room she wished to collapse in and fall into slumber. As she walked, a familiar voice met her ears. One she Oh so hated yet Oh so loved. "Cadet, why aren't you in bed?" His voice was like venom, laced with slumber that he had been awoken from. The reason the young woman disliked him was merely the mount of cleaning he puts her through. It was a game to him. Once she was weak he would act sweet and caring. In the morning he would be a jackass and at the time you were busy cleaning, he would be the worst person in the world. But she knew it was a act. She knew his tricks.

"Finishing your dirty work." The cadet replied with a heavy sigh, watching as the male used his hands to shove the woman into the wall. "Back talking I see?" He looked angered, but his lips curled into a smile as the woman pressed her lips to his. "Can't let you go off that easily.~" The male purred and let's her go with a bright smile. He watched her straighten and touched her face. "My sweet (m/n)..."

~End of Flashback.~

"You see my sweet girl, your mother wasn't innocent. Erwin was a man I had trusted to watch over her. A man I had grown to hate, when I discovered his 'attractions' to your mother. I saw that night...his lips locked with her drunken ones. The fact she was willing to invite him into her room...." The male frowns in anger as he looked at the child. "But I'm glad to say, you look nothing like him." You watched him smirk. "The truth is, your mother never truly loved me nor you....heh, she wanted a son that looked just like him. Do you know what I did to that woman? The one who would lie at your side at night with a smile yet when you fell asleep grow angered by you. I killed her. I made her weak and beg to not die yet in the end, a kiss was placed and her body was torn to pieces by my blade." He laughed happily, no, evilly. The woman the young girl had cherished and wished to be close to was truly the one who wanted away with her. "'s not true...." The child whimpered as she watched the male squat down to her size. He kissed her head and smirked. "But it is. We don't need her, we never had. Think of it this way....She was just the carrier." The girl felt tears stream as she rushed inside, making the male laugh in glee. He wanted his daughter to believe matter how much he lied. And this...
This was the biggest lie he could say.

~Reader-chan's mothers P.O.V~

'What does the sun look like? I can not say. I've known what pain is and my body can tell the story. The scars and wounds tell what my husband's done. How far he's gone. No one knows that his insanity was lasting for many years. Yet it all started...when (y/n) was born.' The woman opened her eyes to look around the dark room, the smell of wretchedness and dirt lingered in the air. It was nauseating, it was the thing that nightmares made all too real when you close your eyes. The woman watched the dark space fill with a sliver of light. "Hello darling~" Cooed the man who had taken the one creature she loved away from her and made her life hell.

"Our darling daughter is marveled by the idea of you being a backstabbing bitch. Raking her brain for recollections of you and Erwin."

"That's a lie you bastard! She won't believe you!"

"Oh?" The male cocked his head with a sinister glare. "She said the same until she realized how...'serious' I was. Heh."

"Erwin was like a brother."

"Erwin was a pig."


"It's the truth." He replied simply.

" it's not. You're holding my daughter captive you bastard..."

"He put her here sweetie." With this the male left with a light growl, slamming the door.

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