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          There isn't any way out of Hell. Even is you manage to leave Hell your soul remains there for good, along with you humanity. Your soul is gone and forever will be. The Devil plays with it like a dog with a bone. Every little poke, every probe that he does with your soul you will feel it.

          You will be forced to forever feel the burns of Hell-fire on your skin even if you are no longer in Hell itself. No one, not even you can escape the torture of the Devil. Needles in your heart, lava in your throat, demons clawing at your back to draw blood. Your skin my heal but you will always feel the pain as if its still there, still new and raw.

         You and your soul is nothing more than the Devil's little puppet and he is your master. You will serve him, no will power to say no or go against his wishes.

         With heavy chains clasped around your ankles and wrists you walk around Hell, looking for something or maybe someone who could save you from this nightmare that never ends. Everyday, and night you mindlessly walk around, day by day, night by night, you slowly forget what you are searching for. Soon you will forget all together about the other world.

         Where there was once love there is now pain. Where there was happiness there is now sorrow. Guilt takes over what is left of you piece of mind.

         Screaming internally you now remember no one truly escapes Hell.     

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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