Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"I'm Louis, what's you're name?"


Lily. That fits her.

"Thats a perfect name for you." I told her. Lily was most definitly the most adorable girl ever! No exaggeration. She could beat kittens and puppies in a cute contest, she is that cute. She smiled back at me.

"Thank you." She said softly, putting her gaze at the ground.

"What happened to your face Lily?" I asked her. I could see her stiffen. She looked back at me again.

"I-I fell." She said, but I could tell she was lying.

"Please don't lie to me. Please tell me." I told Lily.

Lily started to shift on the ground.

"I don't want to talk about it, please don't make me right now." She mumbled.

She has the most adorable voice ever! It matches her adorable body!

"Ok," I said standing up, extanding my hand, "do you want to play in the snow?"

"Yes please." She nodded, smiling. She softly took my hand, and I held it like her hand was going to break.

I smiled, we both started to walk around her snowman. I slipped on some ice and I yook Lily with me. Luckily, she landed on top of me. She started to giggle.

God, could a person be this adorable?

"Sorry." I said laughing.

"It's ok," She told me trying to hold in her giggles, "we can make snow angels!"

She shifted off me, and into the pile of snow a few feet away. We both started to make our snow angels. Lily abruptly jumped out of her snow angel and stood infront of me (I was still currentl making my snow angel).

"Tag!" She said, poking me on my shoulder. She jogged carefully, not trying to slip on any ice, laughing.

I smirked.

Oh, its on.


Louis jumped up and ran after the girl. They were both laughing. Louis eventually caught up, and tagged the girl on her back. Louis then ran and hid behind the snowman.

"Base!" Louis yelled.

"Hey! That's not cool!" The girl giggled.

"Should we come out?" I asked.

"Thats probably a good idea." Zayn answered.

"Ya." Niall agreed. We all looked over at Liam. He nodded, and we came out of the trees.

"Hey boys!" Louis called, waving at us. The girl turned around, and her face was full of fear again. She ran over and hid behind Louis.


Lily ran over and hid behind me and clinged to my jacket. I don't know why she did this, because she did almost the exact thing with me; she was scared out of her mind.

"Its ok," I told her. "they're my friends."

Lily still didn't seem convinced. I took one of her hands in mine, and we both walked over to the rest of the lads.

"Lily, this is Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry." I told her pointing to each. They all smiled at her, and she gave a small smile back looking at them, then putting her gaze on the ground again. She is too cute.

Niall took a step forward and reached into his pocket, but Lily flinched back and hid behind me. I could see the confusion an Niall's face and on the rest of the boys. Niall took out he bandage and reached out for Lily.

"I think this is yours." He said, holding it out.

Lily peered over. She came out from behind me and took the bandage back slowly, and then stuffed it in her jacket pocket.

"Thank you." She said softly, giving Niall a small smile.

"You are adorable you know that?" He said, smiling. Lily blushed slightly.

"Thank you." She giggled. Her laugh/giggle is contagious because I started to chuckle, and Niall did too.

Lily took his hand and said, "I'm Lily."

"I'm Niall."

"I know."

"Well, smartypants."

Lily started to giggle again. She gently took Niall to her snowman.

"Do you like my snowman?" She asked.

"Yes I do, but," Niall started, and then put on a few twigs representing arms, "now he looks a bit better."

"He does." Lily agreed.

Niall started to chuckle. He lead her back to where we were. Liam took Lily's other hand, and Lily let go of Niall's.

"Hello love, I'm Liam."

"I'm Lily." She said smiling.

Liam lifted Lily up and she stiffened up, but then relaxed. He put her on her back so that she was on his back.

"What are you doing?" She giggled.

"You'll see." Liam chuckled. He then slumped down and picked up some snow. Liam then whispered to Lily, and she giggled. She then nodded. The next thing I knew, me and Zayn were hit with snow. We all looked at them, and they were trying to hold in their laughs.

"Oh, its on!" Zayn said, picking up snow and threw it at Liam and Lily. Liam ran (with Lily still being piggy-backed) and hid behind her snowman. Harry, Niall, and I started pelting Lily and Liam with snowballs and they started to throw some back. We were all laughing hysterically, and all getting covered in snow. The next thing we knew, it was getting dark out.


Author's Note:

Hiya! Love this chapter! Like with the last chapter, I've been really wanting to write this chapter! I hope you all think its as good as I do! And also, I told you it was going to get better! I'll try and write the next chapter tomorrow!

See all ya lovelys later!


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