A/N - Here is chapter four! This book has been getting a lot of reads, so this chapter is dedicated to all my readers. Thank You!
No proofreading done.
Chapter Four
I waited outside the apartment for Lizzie; I had on my short denim shorts and a bright blue tank top along with blue flip flops and my long cinnamon coloured hair was tied back in a scruffy knot. Time ticked past quickly, Vincent had already left to pick up Zack. Several minutes passed and finally Lizzie arrived in her VW New Beetle Car which was a bright green, almost lime colour. If you’re wondering how I know all these types of cars, it’s because for the previous few months I’ve been trying to find the perfect car for me; which I still haven’t found. So I knew loads of different car types.
I hopped into the front of the car and put my seat belt on.
“Someone looks happy, what’s up?” she asked, raising her brow. She put her car in gear and started driving.
“Well, guess what! We’re going to Australia!” I exclaimed with joy.
Lizzie stopped her car which caused some cars to honk. After apologising she restarted her car and continued driving.
“Australia? You mean Australia, Australia? We?” she questioned in disbelief.
“Yeah, Vincent said that on Sunday we’re going to Australia and the best thing is…we’re going on Zack’s jet! So we don’t have to worry about the tickets.”
“You sure I can come?” she asked.
“Well, Vincent said that I could invite you, but I suppose we should ask Zack first, but I doubt he will say no.”
“Well, we better get to school quick and ask him,” and with that we drove faster than usual to school.
We caught sight of Zack who was stepping out of Vincent’s car. Lizzie stared at me, and if in understandment we both nodded and ran towards them.
“Whoa ladies, I know I’m hot and all that but couldn’t you wait until I got out of the car,” said Zack with a shocked expression on his face.
I grinned like an idiot. “Zack, I’m officially in love with you!” I leapt to hug him, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“For what?” he asked pulling me back.
“Australia,” I replied alongside with Vincent, I turned towards Vincent and smiled.
“Oh, that, no probs. I go to Australia every year because of my aunt, usually for a week, not for the summer holiday, but since my aunt said that she wanted me to stay longer, I figured that we could all go together, and sleep over at my aunts, her house is humongous compared to mine.” He stated, yawning.
If I thought that Zack’s house was huge then I would be expecting a big surprise form Zack’s aunt. Lizzie nudged me and pointed her head to Zack’s direction.
“Oh, Zack, can Lizzie go?” I asked, Lizzie nudged me again and mouthed Calvin’s name out, “and Calvin?” I asked rolling my eyes.
Zack turned towards Lizzie and put on his flirtatious charm.
“Lizzie darling, you really want to bring Calvin, you know, you could just stay with me,” he flirted along with a wink.
Although Lizzie seemed to enjoy Zack’s flirting she shrugged it off, “I’ll pass, so can me and Calvin come?” she asked.
Letting out a disappointed sigh he nodded, which caused me and Lizzie to squeal a thank you. Just then the bell rang and me and Lizzie skipped to class like little kindergarten children.
School was over I headed outside waiting for Lizzie to come with Calvin, but she didn’t instead she came alone with a grin on her face as soon as she spotted me.
I frowned confused.
“Let’s go shopping to prepare for Australia!” exclaimed Lizzie placing her arm around my neck.
“Where’s Calvin?” I asked.
Lizzie’s face dropped, “Oh shit! I forgot to wait for him we had a date tonight but I wanted to go shopping,” she moaned. “Wait, I’ll text him and tell him to go some other day.”
She got her phone and texted a quick text before placing her phone back in her handbag.
“Done, let’s go.”
Lizzie dropped me off and left me outside my apartment with twenty odd bags. There goes my money for a car, I thought. Placing most of the bags around my wrist I rang the doorbell since I couldn’t retrieve my keys.
“Hello,” Vincent greeted.
“Hey, can you open the door?” I asked, trying to hold onto the bags which were slipping.
“Did you forget your keys again?”
“No, but I-“
“Then open the door yourself,” he said simply.
"Vincent. Hello? Vincent?” I realised he left.
I tried ringing the bell several times, only to get an answer saying, “I’m busy watching the game.”
Sometimes Vincent was annoying, one day he acts like he cares for me and then sometimes he acts like I don’t exist.
I dropped some of my bags, pushing them towards the door with me knee so they didn’t fall down the stairs. I took my bag from my shoulder and opened it, trying to find my keys. I searched intently and finally found them, I closed my bag and placed it back on my shoulder, I took a step back and all my shopping bags fell down the stairs.
“Shit,” I muttered going down to retrieve my clothes, some of which were sprawled on the floor, thank God it wasn’t raining or then my clothes would have been filthy. Dusting some of the dirt from my new clothes I placed them back in my bag and opened the door to my apartment.
As soon as I walked in not only was Vincent sitting on the couch gawking at the television but so was Zack.
“Oi! Couldn’t neither of you open the door for me?” I asked, they both turned their heads at the same which caused them to look like dolls, I would have laughed but I was slightly pissed at them.
They both stared down at all the shopping bags that I was carrying. Vincent shook his head while Zack stood up and walked towards me grabbing them.
“Are these for me?” he asked with a huge grin on his face, peeking through them.
“Nope,” I replied, popping the p. “They're for Australia, Lizzie forced me to buy half of these,” I shuddered remembering.
Zack dipped his hand into one of the bags and pulled out a red thong. Oh crap, I forgot Lizzie bought them for me. I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I quickly snatched it off him and shoved it into a random bag.
Both Zack and Vincent had their mouths opened; there eyes literally popping out. Ignoring their gaze on me I ran to my room preparing to pack some of my clothes, although there was still several days left.
~Edited By Silver (silverfires)~

Teen FictionRosalie Harness is a typical seventeen year old teenager, she goes to school, dates, parties and all other typical teenage things. But there is one thing which is not so typical, she got kicked out of her own house, by her own parents! Not because s...