Chapter 2

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A/N: Forgot to tell you that this will be in Kellin's POV but if there would be a change I will just write it :)


The strong pain in my body shot jolts everywhere. Vic's looked more smaller than I felt him in me. But oh my god! He felt so so big and he filled me so good.

"So tight." Vic purred in my ear. He went all the way and stayed that way to let me adjust to his size. I nodded and whimpered as he started to move. Gripping the sheets my thoughts were a mess. I don't like this but it felt good.

Few movements later he started to move faster and harder. My heavy breathing caught in my throat. I started slowly to moan every move when he went in me.

I screamed when he pounded in me with force and he hit one spot that sent pleasure weaves in my body. And the tightening feeling in my lower body started to annoy me. Because it felt like I need this release.

Vic above me started to pant loudly and he grunted now and again.

"Oh god! Vic!!!" I screamed out and a white string of cum shot out of my tip. Vic didn't really cared and still pounded in my sensitive body. My eyes was tightly closed and I waited when will this be over. My butt hurt from the spank and from my first sex.

Vic ended in me and shivered above me. I felt warmth in me. His warm seed stayed in me and he pulled out.

It felt like had pooped for the longest time in my life. The tan naked man put his finger against my sore hole and took some of his cum on his finger that was leaking out of me. Then he put it at my lips.

"Lick." He ordered. I stuck my tongue out and licked his finger and tasted the salty cum. He smiled at me and leaned down and pecked my lips few times never leaving his gaze from my lips. I just went with it and kissed back. I tangled my finger in his hair and pulled him closer to myself.

I knew I can't be attached to my boss. But kissing him felt so good. I whimpered as he pulled back.

"Clean up. Leave your number and you can go." Vic pushed up and went to his desk and pulled a paper and pen and put them together so I can write it down.

I got of the soft bed and put my clothes back faster than ever before. I wrote my number. I turned and got face to face still naked Vic. He smirked.

"I will text you the details. You got the job." He put his hand on my side and pulled me closer. "And if you are working here. I'm definitely fu.cking you after or before the work." He bit my neck and I hissed in little pain. He pulled away and pushed me to the doors and before I went out he slapped my ass.

"Um. Thanks." I said awkwardly rushing out of the room. I went few steps and understood that I can't walk really well. My sore ass was hurting and I don't have a car.
From the corner Mike came out. He looked at me funny and laughed.

"He definitely fu.cked you." He stated laughing. I blushed and tried to walked pass him.

"Hey, Kellin . I will take you home." Mike offered.

"Thanks." I smiled shyly. We went back to the big room there I came from. We went outside and he led me a cross the street. Mike stopped to next a fancy car.

"Is that yours?" I asked with wide eyes.

"yeah it's mine. " He laughed. He hopped in and I followed his movements and took a seat in the fancy car. I told him my colleges address. Driving all the light behind the widow flew past.

Few moments later he pulled next to my college. I thanked him but before I could open the door Mike grabbed my arm stopping me.

"You need to know that you are Vic new toy now. It doesn't matter if you work there or not. If he fu.cked you then you are his now. And you can try to run but I warn you. I know my brother he will hunt you down." He said so serious that it scared me shirtless. I nodded my head that I understood and opened end the door and slammed them shut. I limped to my room.

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