Chapter 14

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A/n: Give me feedback please!!! :3
I had packed all of my things and was ready to fly back home. I was really sad to leave this place. Alan was here. And he is my best friend. I remember all the fun stuff we did. How we made fun of our teachers and how we made food fights in cafeteria. And even how I always walked in him and Austin doing stuff. I have seen them naked more then twice. It's weird but that is what I saw when I walked in my dorm room.

But I had one thing to do. What I wanted to do. I want to go meet Vic. I will not tell him I'm leaving but I want go spend time with him.

I went to shower and then I put my band shirt and jacket and skinnies. And to top it all off I put my Toms on my feet.

I made my way down the hallway. Passing dorm rooms. They all were close just like my way out of my parents.

Yesterday I talked to head master. I said I'm leaving and he said okay and i can take much time as I want to pack. He still creeps me out to be honest.

I realized that I was at host clubs door. And it was day time and it looked like any other building. But at night it gives away that this club is full of sex.

I opened the door and I met with familiar scent of roses and the big hall room. I made my way to the door that led to Vic's office. It was silent and all I could hear is my own footsteps. Then I came across with the large white doors what I remember. I didn't know if Vic was in there but I can try.

I knocked two times and opened the door. I looked in and then I saw the beautiful man with his dark brown eyes looking at me. I haven't seen him in few days. He looked the same. Even more sexier than I remember while I do kinky stuff with myself. (a/n kinky...hehe.)

"Hi." I said as I closed the door behind me.

"Kellin." He breath out softly. This man was perfect in every way. Starts with his looks and ends with the moves in bed.

I went closer to him. And he got up to meet me in half way. We looked in each others eyes just to appreciate that we are here.

"I came to see you." I said with a small smile. Vic looked at me up and down. I didn't know why. Because the look I his eyes didn't show lust but more worry. I didn't want him go worry so I leaned in and kissed him gently. But I pulled way slowly. He was looking at my lips. I wanted to know if he still wants me like he used to. Because I am just a broken toy after the sicko did to me.

My doubt went way when Vic crashed his lips against mine. Kissing me like he was hungry for me. I loved kissing him. He was so rough with my lips. He abused them but with pleasure.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands gripped my sides to pull me closer to him. Everything got so hot that I started to undress him. I pulled of his jacket and started to unbutton his shirt. Vic went to my neck. Sucking and kissing and nipping at it. I let out soft moans when he sucked on my sweet spot on my neck.

I finished unbuttoning his shirt and I pushed it off his shoulders. Vic went back to kiss my swollen lips what he abused earlier to abuse them more. Our tongues collied together.

Vic took my jacked at threw it somewhere on the ground and my shirt he ripped off. My heads slid down his chest to his crouch. I palmed his hard on as he bit my skin on my chest.

The only thing what was stopping us to pleasure each other were our pants. Vic roughly in buttoned my jeans and hooked his fingers on the hem of my jeans and boxers and pushed them down on the floor. I was now exposed and I felt kinda shy. But I didn't know why. Vic has seen me naked many times.

"You are beautiful." Vic whispered sensing my shyness. I blushed and he went on his knees and took me in his mouth. I moaned. He didn't even know how good he was at this. His warm tongue rubbed against my length and his soft lips was wrapped around. I cried out when I felt the back of his throat.

But he just got up and pushed me on his bed. My ass was in the air and face buried in the sheets. He took the lube and poured on his fingers and a bit on my hole. I moaned out when I felt his two lubed fingers pushed in me. He stretched me and he hit my prostate so screamed out. But that was it because Vic pulled me up on my feet. My back was against his chest. He whispered in my ear.

"I will fuck you real hard and you will like it." He teased my hole with his tip and then he pushed himself in. My screams were loud and my fingers dug in Vic's arms what was holding my hips.

He pushed me on the bed again and rammed in me again. I was burying my face in sheets to silent my screams and moans. With every thrust he went deeper and deeper.

My mind was a mess. I didn't think and all I can feel is pleasure. I was here to have goodbye sex with Vic and I really loved it. He was trying to find my spot but it seemed like he was getting frustrated and he pushed me on my back and pounded in me. Few moves and I cried out aching my back upwards and rolling my hips in his.

"Fuuuuck." I moaned again as he hit it. I wrapped my hand around my Vic leaned down and captured my bottom lip with his teeth and bit on it hard.

"I'm cuming! Vic!" I screamed out and climaxed on my stomach. I panted but I don't stop. He was still moving. But soon he gripped the sheets underneath me.

"Kellin." He breath out while he spilled in me. He moved few times he was done. He pulled out.

Vic's eyes were closed and he was panting really heavily. But it didn't stop him from taking the leaking cum on his fingers and put them in my mouth. I licked it clean.

"I would love to fuck you again." He said as I giggled at him. I would love it too but don't have time. I love doing this with him.

"Please stay?" He asked as he pushed himself on his side facing me. I nodded and watched as he closed his eyes and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt safe in his arms. So I want to make the most of this. I rolled on my side so I was facing him more. Running my fingers down his cheek I saw a smile form on his lips. I smiled too and I wish to know what he was thinking right know. Did he know I was leaving? Or will he miss me when I'm gone?

I waited till Vic's breath went even. I slowly slipped out the bed. I quietly put my clothes on. I stopped when I heard shuffling in bed but it stopped. I looked at Vic who was all over the big bed. I giggled quietly and slipped out the door.

Now I can admit that I like Vic. A lot. I have a big crush on him. And I feel like a high school girl who was crushing on her teacher. Like... Every time Vic kisses me I have those butterflies and they have party in my stomach.

But will never admit it to Vic because probably we will never meet again.

A/N: Hi! I hope you liked it. :) wattpad being an ass so I had to rewrite it. so yeaah.... I can't believe this story have 800+ reads. and I'm so so so happy that you guys vote. Thanks you!!!!! :3

Vote and Comment! Thanks.


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