Esther Heart

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Name: Esther Clarissa Heart
Alias: Ez, Clarissa, Princess
Title: Princess, Lady of Laisen
Age: 120
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Race: Human/Mortal
Nationality: Laisen/Messalian
Hair colour: Brown (natural), Blue (dyed to pretend to be Zaneta)
Eye colour: Brown with a gold-ring around irises
Hairstyle: Long/Slightly Wavy
Faction: Evil/unknown plans
Strengths: strong, strongwilled, strongminded, fast, smart
Weaknesses: doesn't know how to hold back, unsure of self, unable to care for the lives of others, doesn't feel guilt upon killing
Wings: unknown
Family: Laisen royal family, Zaneta Heart (sister), Stella Anselyn (sister)

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