Name: Esther Clarissa Heart
Alias: Ez, Clarissa, Princess
Title: Princess, Lady of Laisen
Age: 120
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Race: Human/Mortal
Nationality: Laisen/Messalian
Hair colour: Brown (natural), Blue (dyed to pretend to be Zaneta)
Eye colour: Brown with a gold-ring around irises
Hairstyle: Long/Slightly Wavy
Faction: Evil/unknown plans
Strengths: strong, strongwilled, strongminded, fast, smart
Weaknesses: doesn't know how to hold back, unsure of self, unable to care for the lives of others, doesn't feel guilt upon killing
Wings: unknown
Family: Laisen royal family, Zaneta Heart (sister), Stella Anselyn (sister)
Broken Thrones Character Guide Book
FantasyCompanion Book for Broken Thrones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Curious what the characters in the Broken Thrones series look like and their profiles? Well you've come to the right place! Be sure to check out the book series! If you haven't, t...