A Life Worth Dying For: Book Two: Two's More Than Company

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(A/N) Ok since I haven't wrote very much of this story yet and will probs write a LOT while I'm on holiday so I thought I would treat you to the opening letter. This part of the story will be much better than the last it has much more in it than the last one and will be a LOT longer than the first because I now have two main characters, YEAH!!!

Love PixieXW xxxx

Dear Renesmee,

The next stage of my life was one of the hardest parts. The two hardest things to do in life were a major part. Learning to trust, love and follow your heart. These are also some of the most important parts of life and I don’t know where I would be without them. Of all the things in the world that are important these are the upmost.

If I hadn’t followed what my heart had told me then I would have given up a long time ago and many people would have died. I am not telling you that putting yourself in danger to protect others is right, but if you know it is right, it will be. Your heart can’t lie, ever.

Trust, where would we be in the world without trust, alone, lost and non-existent. We all need to trust one and other to survive. It isn’t always easy to trust someone, you will always trust some people more than others, and I will always trust your uncle more than your Mom or Dad, as an example. For Jasper, learning to trust wasn’t easy, his trust was played by a woman who I will not describe in fear your Father does not want you to know such words yet. Everyone can learn to trust, and everyone deserves the chance to be trusted.

And love. Love really does make the world go round. The people you love should always be the people you trust. I believe that love, especially our type of love is the roots of the way we thrive. We all need to be loved by someone, and there is somebody out there to love us all, we just have to be very lucky and very patient to find them.

This part of my life was one of the hardest, and the place where most of my worst lies were told. Sometimes you have to lie to protect the ones you love; I have done it many times and will do it again. This time in my life shows that sometimes things are hard to come across and that you should never ever give up. If something’s worth fighting for, you do it. I want to tell you that some things that happen in this stage of my life are things that your Uncle is not proud of and that we do not mention for obvious reasons. I trust him completely and things that happen in the past stay in the past.

Lots of Love, always,

Aunt Alice X X X

A Life Worth Dying For: Book Two: Two's More Than Company - Alice and JasperWhere stories live. Discover now