Knowing The Truth- P2

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As soon as he’d grabbed me he stopped, his eyes wavered and just as quickly he was across the room where he’d started.

My arms throbbed from where he’d held them. I hadn’t breathed for the last few moments. My body was almost shaking from fear and relief. He hadn’t killed me, but why hadn’t he killed me?

“Jasper?” I asked, cautiously, moving very slowly towards him.

“Jasper?” I asked again, again he didn’t respond, I let my hand reach out to touch his arm. He flinched at my touch.

Then I heard it, something that generally brings fear into all females and has done for centauries. He began to cry; I could hear his light sobs, even though he tried to hide it.

“You should run, I should never have followed you. I cannot believe what I did to you. I should not be here,”

“Jasper; please tell me what’s going on, why-“ I stopped there, unsure whether I should ask about the events of only a few moments ago.

He walked out towards the door, sitting on the step, he gave me a look, asking me to join him.  Then turned his eyes to the dusty ground again.

“I haven’t been entirely honest with you Alice, I’m sorry but I had never expected this to happen. I will not try and talk myself out of what I have done, I will never forgive myself either, you should know that.

“I rightly told you I was part of an army, of two actually. I was the youngest Major in the Texas Cavalry during the civil war. I was sixteen when I signed up, told the recruiters I was twenty, I have always been taller than average.

I was with the army till 1863, the third year of the war, which was when I met my creator.

I had been placed in charge of removing the women and children of Galveston, keeping them safe from the carnage that was likely to ensue.

I had only enough time to make sure they were all homed safely before making the return journey to Galveston.  The other men, helping with my group were staying to check they were all placed; I swapped my horse for one of the townsmen’s.

With rank I had far more people to check on, I had a regiment under me to prepare.

The light was fading when I came across them. Three beautiful women standing by the roadside.

They must be stragglers, I told myself. I knew they weren’t of my group. I would never have forgotten these three.

As I had been taught by my Father, as his had taught him, it was my duty to make sure these three women were safe, and offer them assistance.

I dismounted the Pinto mare I’d been riding and, dropping her reins, walked over to them

I walked closer but soon found myself unable to speak. They were the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen.

A Life Worth Dying For: Book Two: Two's More Than Company - Alice and JasperWhere stories live. Discover now