Dinner by Candle Light {Gold x Silver}

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Third Person P.O.V.

Ow, this damn headache... Silver thought as he wandered aimlessly through the Ilex Forest. He really had nowhere to be until later, when he would have to meet up with his best friend, Gold.

Hopefully this dinner thing goes smoother than I'm expecting, He wished. I mean, I don't want anybody thinking I'm gay...

He hopped over a little stone and found himself near a shrine he had never seen before. Suddenly, as Silver examined the structure, a Pokémon jumped out from behind it. The startled teen fell back onto the ground as the creature came forward.

"Sun... flora!" The creature squeaked as it walked toward the redhead.

"Whaaaat." He blinked at the thing and rubbed his head. I was scared by this thing...

"Sunflor-a!" The Pokémon brimmed and hopped on Silver's lap as he sat up. The happy Sunflora snuggled into Silver's jacket, for some reason feeling safer around him.

An echoed voice sounded throughout the forest. "Hello? Sunkern?"

"Huh, maybe they're looking for you." Silver thought out loud as he rubbed the top of the Sunflora's head. He realized that the thing had been holding a Sun Stone.

"Sunkern? Oh, you went and evolved without me, didn't you?" The little boy, about seven or eight, giggled as he turned the corner and spotted the Pokémon on Silver's lap. "Thanks for finding this guy for me. He tends to run all over the place. Hey, I know somebody who's brave just like you! Wanna meet 'im?"

"Uhhhhm..." Silver was a little thrown off by all the information he was bombarded with. He looked at the kid's face, which was full of hope and wonder, just like when he was much younger...

"I... Okay." He stuttered, unable to reject a child so pure. I'm turning so soft.

"Yay! He's right over this way, we's were in the woods so I can train my Sunkern, when this trainer cames' along and gave me a cool red stone! He tolds' me it could make my Pokémon stronger, and then helped me train him so I can be strong like him!" The child skipped along the path and filled Silver in on frivolous details.

"Hm. Sounds like quite the trainer." He muttered.

"Hey! Hey trainer!" The little boy squeaked.

"Elliott, are you okay?" A very familiar voice called back. The trainer appeared around a tree and crouched down to the kid's height. "Oh, you had me worried. Please be careful running through this forest, okay?"

The squirming kid nodded quickly. "Hey! Meet my new friend! I would introduce you two, but I never learned yours' names." The child gave a cheeky grin.

"Oh, hi, Silver. I didn't know you were here today." The trainer stood up and stuck his hand out for Silver to shake.

"Whatever, Gold." The redhead crossed his arms and glared.

"Oh my Arceus! Awesommmmmee! You guys already know each other?" Elliott jumped up and down with excitement. "No wonder! I bet you guys adventure all the time together!"

Dinner by Candlelight (PreciousMetalShipping)Where stories live. Discover now