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The dark black tom grinned, his teeth almost glowing in the moonlight. Three little paws followed behind him. "When will we win the game?" One of the kits asked. The dark tom turned around, unsheathing his claws.

"When you're.... oh... dead!" the dark tom pounced on one of the kits and quickly killed it. The rest of them squealed in fear and tried to run away. But he caught them all. He then proceeded to lick his paws clean instead of washing them in the river, as he usually did after a kill. He sniffed the kits and got some strong-smelling leaves to rub on their mangled, bloody bodies, in order to cover up his scent. He then removed his fur from their claws and replaced it with another cat's fur. Two other cat's fur. He laughed manically as he returned to the camp, and fell asleep.

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