~Chapter 2~

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Deadpaw lay in the medicine cat den, feeling light headed. He slowly opened his eyes, but closed them again. He tried to open them again, and he saw Mintstream trot over to him quickly. The sounds he heard were dull and faded, echoing inside his head.

"Are you waking up?" Mintstream's voice echoed. "He's waking up, Blazinglove!" Mintstream purred. Deadpaw closed his eyes again. Blazinglove? When did she get her warrior name? How long have I been out? he thought to himself, confused. He forced his eyes open and they focused on a pretty, reddish-orange she-cat. He didn't know what this feeling was... but he liked it. It was warm... and happy... He shook the thought from his head.

"H-How long was I asleep - er unconscious?"Deadpaw asked.

"Two days. You must be starving." Mintstream used a paw and pushed a small, skinny mouse toward him. "Eat up. You need the energy, the gathering is soon and we'll be confronting Blackclaw."

"What?!" Deadpaw hissed. "I need to become a warrior first, right?"

"Well, yes. You'll be assessed when you're feeling up to it." Blazinglove purred. "I love my new name. I wonder what yours will be..."

"I'm feeling fine!" Deadpaw rose, and ran unsteadily over to Robinsong. "I need to take my assessment!" he meowed.

"Okay, whatever. I'll watch you hunt and see how you do."

"I know how it works." Deadpaw retorted. He padded into the forest, aware Robinsong was on his tail. Deadpaw stuck his nose into the air and sniffed, parting his jaws. He smelled rabbit. Smiling, Deadpaw slowly padded forward, until he stumbled upon a young, plump rabbit munching on some grass. He crouched low, and slowly sneaked up on the rabbit. But, it noticed him. Deadpaw threw himself at the young rabbit and attacked it, biting the back of its neck and killing it quickly. "Sweet." He grinned, burying it under some leaves and earth. He sniffed the air again. A mouse. He pricked his ears and pin pointed where the mouse was. It was quivering under a leaf. Deadpaw pounced on the mouse and the mouse quickly scurried away. Deadpaw hissed. Then, a screech sounded above. It was an eagle! They never came around these parts. Why was it here? Without time to think, the eagle swooped down at Robinsong. Deadpaw snarled loudly and threw himself at the giant avian. "Help me, Robinsong, attack its wings!" he hissed. Robinsong nodded and bit the eagle's wing and latched on. Deadpaw was on the back of the bird, and it was flapping its wings furiously. Deadpaw had to ignore the screech he heard when the eagle used its huge talons to scratch Robinsong below. Blinded by rage, Deadpaw got up to its head and clawed its eyes before slitting its throat. Blood poured from the wound, soon the bird went limp. "Robinsong?"

"I'm okay..." he seethed. "I think... You passed. Get this giant mouse-brain and your rabbit and we'll go back to camp."

Once they returned to camp, everyone was surprised. A giant bird was being dragged into the camp. "I passed!" Deadpaw purred. Sprucestar declared a Clan meeting.

"Cats of ShadowClan! Today, Deadpaw will become a warrior. Deadpaw, please step forward." the tom meowed. "Deadpaw, do you promise to protect your new clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name, Deadsky, in honor of your light blue-gray pelt and white patches. StarClan honors your commitment, kindness, and courage." Sprucestar purred.

"Thank you, Sprucestar. I owe you so much." Deadsky looked up to the leader. "You accepted me even though I could've been a murderer. That takes courage, and you have it." he dipped his head. Sprucestar nodded.

"Deadsky, you owe me nothing. I simply did what I thought was right." Sprucestar meowed, hopping down off the Clan rock. Deadsky padded over to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed the rabbit he caught.

"Here, I at least need to give you something." Deadsky persisted. Sprucestar sarcastically let out a sigh.

"If I have to," he chuckled. "Thank you." Sprucestar dipped his head and padded into his den to eat. A few cats still didn't trust Deadsky. A few cats walked up to him hissing.

"How do we know you're not just going to kill us?" one of them said. Robinsong stood next to him.

"Because, he saved me from an eagle." Robinsong hissed.

"Really?" Brambleflame leaned in slightly, on his toes. "He saved you?"

"Yes. And if you're going to hate anyone, hate Blackclaw!" Deadsky replied, snarling. "And we should start to work up the camp, making sure it will be secure for if ThunderClan decides to attack when we confront Blackclaw."

"You're right, let's get to it." Ashbird nodded.

Brambleflame, Robinsong, Ashbird, Deadsky, and Sootfeather all went out into the forest to go collect brambles, bracken, and other things to barricade the camp.

Thoughts on this story? Is it a keeper? Should I keep writing it :D

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