To Make A Choice

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They latch onto her with firm glues,

All her whims that they refuse...

She asks today, for she has nothing to lose

Where is her right to choose?

Since her soul is forlorn like the blues,

More so, the strings are not too loose...

She asks today, for she has nothing to lose,

Where is her right to choose?

As of now, she's got an eternal bruise,

She, for the coming, has no clues!

She asks gutsily, for she has nothing to lose,

Where is her right to choose?

Doomed to slander and endless abuse,

Filled with anguish, who shall she accuse?

Albeit, with a diminished hope,

She asks... Where is HER right to choose?

Till the door to Heaven, anticipating in long queues,

She stands brave, in spite of all the shrews...

With her exhausted hope,

She still asks, "Where is my right to choose?"

~Akshita Mittal

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