Black Magic

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A few phials of darkness,
A few drops of love,
Add the black of a crow,
and the white of a dove

The queen of darkness,
met the novice prince
A new start it was,
they've been together ever since

It's quite a secret how he agreed,
to join her on this evil journey
She chose him in just an instant,
Neither trials nor some tourney

And it's said in hush,
so you also better shush,
When we tell you,
that it was black magic,
that got them together

She cast her charm,
in that dark weather
It's only her black magic,
that will make it forever

The innocent prince,
didn't knew what was coming
He just saw her smile,
and heard her humming

And before he knew it,
he was already hers
Her voice had a cleverness,
like a cat's purr

He followed her around,
and they became good allies
They controlled the ground,
and they ruled the skies

And it's said in hush,
so you also better shush,
When we tell you,
that it was black magic,
that got them together
She cast her charm,
in that dark weather

It's only her black magic,

that will make it forever

This is their story,
the bond that they shared
Nobody challenged them,
nobody dared...

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