White Dove

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With a thought in my mind,
I sat on the desk
To write about you,
in the pretty sunset

My mind wandered around,
to find the suitable words
But it's not easy to catch,
the high flying birds

All I wrote in a long time,
was your name on the top
Just kept staring at that,
it was like the time stopped

Finally I got something,

that I immediately penned down
tho you were better then words,
beautiful than the sunset view around

But all I had were my words,
to make you feel special
If I have ever been good,
then you were like my medal

You were such an enchantress,
the picture of perfection
Your innocence shined right through,
even in your reflection

And such is your grandeur,
no,it has got no compeer
I give you a place in my heart,
You are the best my dear

With you by my side,
we'll reach the height above
You gave me your heart,
and I gave you my love
You are no one else,
but my lil,white dove...

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