Chapter 2- Pangea Returned

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Well Chello there wattpad users :) Hope you like this chapter and please comment i know the last chapter didn't really have anything to comment about but i hope this one does ;) I get super excited every time i see a new person has read my stuff.


My mind broke into a million pieces throughout the night. Some part of me was thrilled that Adam and his family had gotten such a chance; a new and exciting adventure. Another part was too sad to even consider my life without Adam and the rest simply searched for an excuse for him not to go; the selfish part. My heart knew better though, that everything would be fine and that the Robinson's were lucky.

I fell asleep restlessly wondering how i was going to survive the nest summer, the next school year and most importantly until I was able to see Adam again. My eyes shut and I drifted away slowly to the howling wind outside and the soft texture of Adam's goodnight hug still crawling over my skin.

Monday morning was miserable, I woke up in a bad mood and my father's sarcastic comebacks didn't encourage a change. Adam's family was gone and that along with a second night a Adam fueled terror was enough to bring my general lack of enthusiasm.

As an added bonus to my mood, the weather was horrible too which meant an ugly pair of shoes for school and a constant depressing sound during all of my classes. My grandmother had once told me that my brain was connected to mother nature because the weather was always like my own personal soundtrack.

The 1999 sliver Chevy Silverado drove up my driveway earlier than usual causing me to rush around the house looking for my raincoat and boot. By the time I had ran out the door Adam was furiously beeping the horn and wore a very impatient frown. I climbed into the passenger side as quickly as i could. My hair was already soaked and ruined for the day just because of the walk from my door to the truck.

"Your in a good mood then?" he chuckled

"Really, you believe sarcasm is the smart decision right now?" I contorted my face into a drawn-out frown and I rolled my eyes into my head and grumbled a quick insult having spent too much energy on this conversation already. Adam sensed my need for minimal conversation and quickly turned the radio to a new country station. An acoustic melody began and a southern drawl joined it in a calmly combinedlullaby with the heavy rain bouncing off my window.

The drive to school took longer than usual and Adam drove slowly carful of all possible wet-road dangers. We got there just as the last bell rang and had to rush inside too the cover of the warm school. We hastily waved good-bye to eachother and headed towards out seperate home rooms. Adam and I were in different grade but because of my affection for science and the lucky draw of a last name early in the alphabet I had landed a spot in his grade 12 environmental science class, so i would see him after lunch.

My homeroom was math, a class I didn't really look forward to. The teacher was nice but grade 11 math was no picnic, luckily my friend Hanna was a huge help. Hanna was a wiz at math and wanted to go to university to become an accountant. The job description didn't sound like something to aspire to for me but Hanna was one of those rare people that doesn't have to shoot for the moon to land among the stars, she knew exactly were she was headed and how to get there.

Our teacher, Mrs.Leafs, starts every day with a lesson and then lets us work individually or in small groups on our assignments. After a half hour of quadratic tourture she gave us the go ahead to open our textbooks and begin our first 20 questions.

Hanna turned her chair around to sit across from me at my small desk.

"So, i heard about Adam, you okay?" she was kind but she also was very determined to get the truth and I knew that trying fool Hanna was a waste of time.

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