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"When children have to play inside so they don't disappear

while private eyes solve marriage lies cause we don't talk for years

and football teams are kissing Queens

and losing sight of having dreams

in a world that what we want is only what we want until it's ours"

-calling all angels; train


Nina Patterson is a stone cold bitch and everyone at George Washington High School knows it. To Jane Bradley though, Nina could have her moments where she seemed like she actually cares, but most of the time Nina was just a bitch that slept around with different guys from different sports teams and had an on-off relationship with Tyler O'Neill. When she got a text from Nina late night, which interrupts her study session for Calculus, it was a link and once she clicks on it she see Audrey Jensen from her third period Language Arts class making out with another girl, she was a little shocked, also while thinking that of course this is another bitch move from Nina. Jane really could care less about the video, even though she sympathized for Audrey, so she exited out of the link and started back on her calculus. When Jane was just about to call it a night with all the homework she gets a call from the one and only Jake Fitzgerald.

"What do you want Jake?" The brunette questions with sarcasm lacing through her voice.

"Nice to hear your voice too Bradley" Jake says using sarcasm right back, "The Jake just wanted to let you know that I'm on my way to pick up Will then you up"

"I'm good you two have fun taking care of the money," Jane says to the cocky guy over the phone.

"Wow your funny, but just remember who is keeping your little secret" Jake reminds the girl about their deal.

"Yeah I know and I've been holding up my end of the deal so keep yours" Jane reminds Jake over the phone.

"Yes I know, the Jake never goes back on a promise" Jake tells the girl while she just rolls her eyes at his comment, even though he can't see her.

"Did you see what Nina posted?" Jane asks Jake wondering if he saw Audrey Jensen suck face with another girl.

"Of course, girl on girl is demographic," Jake then laughs at his statement.

"Only you would say that Fitzgerald" Jane says being sarcastic but then continues before Jake can interrupt her, "I hope Audrey is okay though, like even I can be a bitch, but that is beyond cruel, I doubt Nina is going to show up tomorrow considering how goody goody Emma is" Jane finishes telling the boy what she thinks is going to happen tomorrow at school.

"Well yeah, it's Nina we're talking about" Jake agrees with the brunette. "Is your dad home?" Jake questions the girl wanting to see how she was holding up with the family situation.

"Uh, no because he told me he was working a late shift which means after work I'm going to the bar to get drunk so don't wait up" Jane tells the boy.

"He'll come around eventually" Jake tells the girl trying to give her hope.

"Jake, It's been months since my mom left me and my dad for some guy and just left us here, but whatever I'm better off without both my parents, plus Will's parents let me spend the night over there anytime I feel lonely so I'm all good in the hood" Jane tells the boy while laughing at the end because she tried making a joke.

"Will picking you up in the morning?" Jake asks Jane.

"Uh yea but he has a study session with Em in the morning since he was out with you all night hiding the money, so he's picking me up after that" Jane tells Jake her morning plans for tomorrow.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow morning Janie" Jake tells the girl before hanging up.

Jane then takes pulls the phone off of her ear and puts it on her nightstand, she then gets up and shuts her lights off before going back to bed ready to sleep since school was tomorrow. As Jane shuts her eyes and goes to sleep, at another house Nina Patterson was getting her throat sliced and thrown into her nice, expensive pool by the new killer of Lakewood that's ready to start playing a game and already has the targets picked out and the main one of them all is one of Jane's friends; Emma Duval.


so guys i just started writing this story because I love the tv series and am obsessed so why not write a fanfiction about it?

I'm really excited about this book and I hope you guys are too and I will talk to you guys next time I update

words; 754

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