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"i know we've made a graveyard of this all

i know I don't feel too sober now

i wanna lie awake with your black soul

count your fears if you let me

baby I just want your damn bad intentions"

bad intentions; niykee heaton


Jane Bradley thought the video would only be stayed within the four people that knew about it, which was Jane, Will, Jake, and Nina. But of course this video came out and it basically will ruin her friendship with Emma. How do you tell one of your closest friends that you slept with her boyfriend when they were on a break.

I know what you're thinking, wasn't it Nina who slept with Will when him and Emma were on a break?

To answer your question. No.

In fact it was only Jane. Nina found out about it and was really pissed at Jane considering Nina and Will were flirting a little bit. Once Nina found out, she blackmailed Jane and Will with it and said told Will she keep it hidden to which she did, but instead she told Brooke that it was her and Will that slept together.

Leaving Jane broken hearted since she's always liked Will since forever. But she knew they could only be friends.

So when Jane found out it went viral last night, she was mortified. She didn't even want to get out of bed this morning but she knew she had to tell Emma the truth. Jane also would hope Emma won't ignore her and actually let her tell the truth.

Jane hitched a ride from Jake this morning considering everything that happened and thought it would be best to have some space anyway from Will.

"So..." Jake starts as soon as Jane enters his truck, "Janie I didn't see you as a girl who likes to have one night stands." Jake smirks at the brunette.

"How about you put a sock in it and drive Jackie" Jane tells him with a pissed off expression since she's not really in the mood for his jokes right now.

Jake looks away from his little stare down with Jane and drives off to hell where today won't be Jane's favorite day.


Jane ends up sitting in the seat behind Noah in Mr. Branson's class.

"Are you kidding me," Jane hears Brooke says and turns around to see a girl in a yellow sweater sitting in Riley's spot.

"You got a problem?" The girl in the yellow sweater responds back to Brooke, giving Jane's best friend some attitude.

"Yes she does because that seat doesn't belong to you." Jane says interrupting the girl's question towards Brooke.

"Yeah, that's Riley's seat. Forever." Brooke tells the girl, which the girl gets out of the seat and stomps off to a different seat.

Noah then turns around and looks at Jane, "Hey Jane, again, I'm just so expontially sorry about that video and I had no idea that it would mutate and spread like this crazy zombie sex virus...and that came"

"It's okay Foster, you didn't know what was going to happen, but I'm still wondering where you got that file. That's all." Jane tells the boy with a confused look on her face still wondering where he found that file since only Nina and Jake had copies.

"Okay everybody." Mr. Branson starts speaking, " We are still reeling from Riley's death but we have learning to do. Noah, I know you two were scene partners." Mr. Branson says, ending up looking at Noah.

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