Chapter Eight - Questions

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"Jace, what the fuck just happened?!?!" Zena asks me. Her voice is high strung with anger and worry.

"I have no clue. One minute he was alright and calm, the next he went all demented and tried killing me!" I say back.

Zena's diamond blue eyes stare at me, and I look down as my eyes recede to the cold blue I'm used to.

The chair under Zena scrapes against the wood as she suddenly stands. "Jace, what exactly happened?" Urgency is in her voice.

I sigh and begin. "Nick had been fine before he walked out from Isabelle's room. When I walked out to get some food, his foot went past me. We fought and right as soon as you got close to us, he said something and vanished."

"What did he say?"

"He said some other time, knight of the queen. I've only heard the term queen once before."

"When?" Zena sits back down slowly. Interested in what I'm saying.

"Isabelle and I had saved Nick from that rouge Vampire from the Warded house. There were five of them, and Isabelle killed almost all of them. But as soon as only one stood, he saw her eyes. He backed away, calling her queen. And he also mentioned her purple eyes when she fights."

"Jace, this is big news!"

"How so?"

"Miss Isabelle could be the turning point in Vampire history. Not once in our time has a Vampire had purple eyes. It's only been spoken of in legends."

I look at her confused. "What does that mean for us though?"

"Isabelle has special blood. Her blood could make it where all of us could walk in the day. Half Vamps and full Vamps alike."

I look at her in disgust at a realization. "So you plan on using Isabelle to make yourselves like us!?"

"In turn, yes, that is what we want." Her hands fold together as her chin rests on top of her knuckles. It reminds me of what Izen does, and my hatred boils over.

"If you want her, you have to go through me!" I yell.

"We're prepared to do that." A coldness has taken her voice, sending me into a hyper alert state. My claws and fangs spring out, but a stinging pain has taken my body. I'm still not fully fresh from my bout with Nick.

Zena cackles. "Jace Silverfang, you have no chance of beating me!"

"I don't have to beat you. I just have to get Izzy away from the lot of you." My voice has turned cold, as I know it would. My eyes change to ruby red and slit once more. Tonight might be the final night living here. But all I know is I want to keep Isabelle safe!

Zena darts at me, her eyes almost bottomless black holes. Fangs protrude from her mouth, razor sharp. Small yet scalpel sharp claws raise from her hands. Her hand slams into my face, sending me reeling back. Small black spots fill my vision, as does Izzy's face. The look of her beauty keeps me going.

I sweep under Zena's next attack. A chair goes flying from her lashed out foot, smashing into oblivion against the wall to my left.

"Don't make me kill you, Jace!" Zena roars. Her voice sounds feral and animal like. I smirk and raise my right hand, twitching my fingers inward.

I must end this, and no, I'm not going to kill Zena. Just knock her out. She dashes at me again, her body low to the stone floor. Her hand slices upward, but my back hand spring has already started. Her hand hits nothing, but my boot does.

My foot crashes into the underside of her chin, sending Zena flying. I land lightly on my feet, in a slight crouch. Zena lays on the ground, unconscious. I sigh as my fangs and claws retract. Making sure no one is around, I stow Zena's blacked out self on the couch in the lobby. No one will know it was me.

Quickly, I make my way to Isabelle's room. I fling the door no Isabelle. Slowly I step in, walking to the middle of the room. I look at the bed, messy and unkept. It looks like Izzy is awake.

A small hostile growl comes from the far corner, the spill of bloody hair with it. Isabelle! Her fangs and claws are out, making her a deadly beauty.

"Izzy, it's me. Jace." I say calmly.

"How do you know my name?" she asks. Her voice comes out soft, but still with a deadly precision.

"Izzy, it's Jace. We need to get out of here." Urgency is lacing heavily in my voice. Someone might discover Zena soon.

"I don't know you. Now get the hell out of my room."

"Isabelle, listen to me." I extend my hand, but without my claws. Another growl comes from Izzy, but she slowly approaches.

"You don't smell like a lier or someone to hurt me. So I'll trust you for now." Isabelle takes my hand and we walk out of the building. I help her into my Mustang and step in.

She must have lost her memory when she blacked out. This will be fun to explain to her. Isabelle's head falls to the side of the seat as I start driving. She does sleep a lot, that's for sure.

I drive into the city, knowing where she lives. But I have to avoid that place at all costs. Finally, I drive up to a suitable place.

A two story brick house, not even faded with age. New silver-bronze railing makes a small yard in back, small spikes on the tops. All the lights are out and no cars are around. This place has been abandoned for a long time, by I've kept it up and running.

Parking the car in the driveway, I get out and open Izzy's door. Her head slumps until I catch her. Reaching over her for the seatbelt, I smell the faint Human scent that she still carries. It takes all of my control to not bite her. I'm not Crusnic, well not yet at least.

Crusnic Vampires are stronger than most for one reason. They don't feed on Humans, only other Vampires. They have no "Human Taint" as most Vamps would call it.

I just call it being picky if you don't feed on people. I carry Izzy inside, locking the front door behind me. Setting her carefully on the couch, I turn on the lights. A new brown and tawny gold carpet moves under my shoes. I take my boots off and sigh. How can I explain all of this to Izzy?

She seems to realize her Vampire nature, but cannot remember me. She recognized the room she was in, but not me.


Contemplating the idea, I sit on the couch. Sleep and tiredness take me in deep claws. I fall asleep almost instantly, still thinking about Izzy.

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