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Sydney's POV

"Hey Sydney, wait up!" I turned around to see Olivia jogging down the hill after me. I stopped and waved to her. She had out her kindle and it looked like she was really happy about something. 'Probably about Justin Bieber.' Olivia is a bit of a Justin Bieber maniac. She REALLY likes him. When she finally got to me I turned around and started walking down the hill. She followed and started talking. I wasn't really paying attention because I was busy thinking about the idea I had had in science during the boring video. Me and my friend Amanda were going to work on it together. We have generally the same idea. It's kind of expensive, but a nerd can dream right? "Hello?! EARTH TO SYDNEY, EARTH TO SYDNEY!" 

"WHAT?!" I yelled and knocked her hand out of my face. 

"Like I was saying!" She shot me a glance as we were continuing down the hill. "I was checking Justin's twitter." I rolled my eyes. Of course she was. "Anyway, I was checking it and I saw an update talking about this thing called 'Stalked by a Celebrity' and it looked kind of interesting so I read it. It turns out that he is planning something with some other celebrities. Here, I'll read it to you." She switched her kindle over to twitter and started reading a tweet out loud. " 'In case you didn't already know, me and a few other celebrities are going to be doing something that we call, 'Stalked by a Celebrity.' Stalked by a celebrity is basically exactly what it says. We are going to be stalking someone either off of twitter or just a random person whom we find interest in. So watch out Beliebers, either me or someone else might be stalking you!' I could be stalked by Justin Bieber!!!!!! EEEEEEEE!!!!" I flinched at her fan girl scream. I like Justin's music, but I am NOT a fan girl. Olivia went on talking about Justin Bieber while I just walked thinking about what my life would be like if I lived in a world with unicorns. I know, I have weird thoughts. DON'T JUDGE ME! Anyway I was just walking and looking at the ground, I didn't even realize that there was someone in front of me until I ran into them. I fell to the ground. 

"I am soooo sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I kept apologizing but the guy I had knocked over and was now helping stand up again was just listening and keeping his face hidden in his hoodie. He was nodding like he was listening but I could tell he wasn't. "Hey do I know you?" He looked familiar but I was sure he didn't go to school with me and I was sure he didn't come from town because he would know that I don't pay attention to anything, let alone where I'm going. Especially if I am daydreaming. He just shook his head no, picked up his Ipod or iphone or whatever and ran off. "Bye I guess." I said. "Jerk." I muttered, trying not to let anyone hear but Olivia did. 

"I bet he was just in a hurry. Now what was I saying? Oh yeah, anyway..." I tuned her out and just kept walking. By this time we were about to cross the street. Olivia just kept talking. I bet she was just talking to herself. I hope she was. I also hope she didn't expect me to listen.

"Do you want to cross the football field?" I asked her when it seemed like she stopped talking to breath.

"Uh, yeah sure whatever. Hey what do you think about this 'Stalked by a Celebrity' thingy?" Olivia looked like she was really busy with her twitter so I assumed she wasn't talking to me. I just walked down the stairs and then when I was at the bottom I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned around and Olivia was. 

"What?" I asked.

"I just asked you, ugh!" She sighed and then said, "What do you think about this 'Stalked by a Celebrity' thing?" 

"Ohhh I thought you were talking to someone else. Or reading someone's twitter." I said and turned around to start walking again. 'I know this path like the back of my hand. I wonder if I could walk it with my eyes closed.' I closed my eyes. "Well I honestly think it's a bad idea."

"WHY?!" Olivia screeched right next to me. I whipped my eyes back open, but I fell anyway. "Sorry." Olivia muttered as she reached her hand out to me to help me up. I pushed it away. 

"It's fine, I can stand up on my own." I said standing up and brushing myself off. "You wouldn't help much anyway." I muttered. "Anyway!" I said and started walking before she could respond to my comment. "I don't think it's a good idea because, well, what if the people they happen to stalk, are like you?" I said gesturing to her.

"What do you mean, like me?" She said looking a little hurt. By now we were already halfway across the football field.

"Not in a bad way, just how dedicated you are to Justin Bieber. I know some people who would kidnap One Direction if they could and this would give them the chance. You know?"

"True. Very true." Olivia said as we were just about to get off the football field. It's kind of small. "Maybe I should tweet that to Justin." She said and immediately pulled out her kindle and got on twitter. I sighed and kept my eyes on the look out for cars that were coming from or going to the library. I guess since this is my everyday thing it's just a habit. I'm getting kind of bored of my life. Maybe being stalked by a celebrity is just what I need to perk up my life. I sighed and just kept walking. Oh well, my life is boring anyway. TGIF! 


Heeeeeyyyyyyyyy :)

So this is the first chapter and I hope you liked it! 

By the way, TGIF stands for Thank God It's Friday. Just in case you didn't know.

I am playing sydney and I will do my best to make this a great story! my name is sydney by the way.

i read a bunch of stories that the people call their fans a name and so I will call you people my poptarts(im insane by the way) not literally but yeah i am insane!


bye bye now!

also just recently I updated this page and so now it's longer so yaaaaaayyyyy and also I accidentally deleted my "first" chapter so now i have to do the whole thing over again so sorry guys!

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