Chapter 2

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I woke up at the sound of my alarm buzzing. Moaning then groaning I removed the pillow from my head and searched for the alarm with closed eyes. Thank God it stopped. I rolled out of bed with half closed eyes to the bathroom. After I made my business, washing my face and brushing my teeth I went back to my room. I chose my outfit for today mu boyfriend jeans and an off-white chiffon sleeveless shirt. I prayed fajr then I changed my undergarments and into my outfit for today I wore my golden sandals and slid my bag before pulling my hair into a messy bun and jogging downstairs.

Mum was in the kitchen making waffles while Jana and Rokaya were eating and halfway through finishing their plates. I kissed each on the cheek before going to my mom standing beside her, she looked at me and raised an eyebrow looking at what I was wearing."(You were sleeping yesterday when I came home and dad was still awake and told me we're travelling today to Cairo and he already called my aunt and told her to call my family and meet at her apartment. And he told me to pack my bag so it's packed and upstaurs in my room.)"

She looked surprised then said "( Buy why so soon though?)"

I shrugged and said "( I think for us to finish as quickly as possible and we're coming after tomorrow)" I took my plate of waffle and put some chocolate sauce and sat beside Jana.

"(Okay. What are your plans for tomorrow then?)" Mom asked slowly, I could tell she was trying to contain her temper cuz dad didn't tell her. I was praying silently in my head that they won't argue.

"( Today we are staying at aunt Moshira's apartment and tomorrow we are going to granny and tell your family and then I will stay with her and dad is going to stay with his mom. And after tomorrow we wake up, pack and travel back there.)"I said between bites.

Mom smiled then said "( Okay. I'm going to call him from his office tell him that you're ready, yeah?)" She stood up and waited for my response so I nodded through a mouthful of food then she left.

After eating I went back up stairs and put my toiletries and put my hair supplies and my tooshbrush and went back downstairs to find my dad was waiting in the car. I checked my phone, charger, beats, bottle of water and a granola bar in my backpack and said my goodbyes and gave hugs then went into the car for a long four hours ride.


Dad stopped at zafarana for the rest and I went to order a latte for me and green tea for my dad. My dad asked me how  my friends reacted after I told them. I told him what I did yesterday. What can you say my dad and I are so much alike we have the same personalities but I look mostly like my mom and have my daddy's eyes. I was more likely daddy's girl, he knows everything before I need to tell him he just lokk me in the eyes and understand. I love the bond thats between me and him.


We arrived at my aunt's house at sometime near 3:00 PM. She gave us a bone crushing hug. We ate launch and drank soon around five the rest of the family arrived and the same bone crushing hugs. I saw my aunts, uncles and cousins. I told them and they all congratulated me and another round of bone crushing hugs was given to me only. We chatted for a while before they left around half past nine.

I changed into some PJ's and went to sleep me and my two other cousins in a room and dad took another room and then my aunt and her husband the third. I charged my phone before drifting to sleep.


After we woke up and ate breakfast at noon we went to my mom's mother for my mom's family to gather there. We went and my granny and grandpa greeted us and we drank some tea, ate lunch at around two. The rest of the family came around four and another round of bone crusheng hug and kisses were given. I really should go make an X-ray. My only aunt in the family cried in happiness and hugged me tightly and told me you are growing up Fatma. I smiled at her and wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. She was my second mom and just like I don't see my mother crying I don't want to see her crying either.

They left around ten and I slept there a really peaceful sleep I haven't slept in years. The feeling when I'm around my grandparents it's just so peaceful there is no argument of your little sisters about which game they play or what food they eat or what cartoon they watch. Just the sound of the TV here.


We woke up yesterday early in the morning and ate breakfast and I chatted with my granny for a while then my dad told me that we're going to see my other granny (dad's mom). I packed my bags and left them in the car's trunk and hugged my grandparents goodbye and we took off to my other granny's house.

We arrived there at half past two the sun blinding us. The sun in Africa is so harsh and my skin burns easily in the sun so I can't stand long in the sun cuz my skin is already tanned.

We sat with my granny for nearly two hours and then it was time for us to travel cuz my dad likes to travel in the sunlight.


I woke up next day for something buzzing but it wasn't the alarm because I shut it off from thirty minutes. I groaned and and took my mobile off the night stand and peeked one eye open too see that it was still 8:30 AM. And the caller ID showed it was Ammar. I frowned, why would he call me that early. I sled my finger across the screen and put it on my ear and said "Hello!" In a sleepy tone.

"(Hello! Sorry if I woke you up but I called you last night and you didn't answer.)" He said his tone was deeper than usual and also sleepy.

"Sorry I overslept and I came home yesterday really tired. I didn't even change from yesterday's clothes. So, what's up?" I said apologetically.

"( We are going to the beach today in 2 hours, I wanted to tell you since it will be the last time and they told me to call you tell you to come and not leave you till I know that you're coming.)" We both laughed at our friends.

"(Okay. But can you come pick me up I don't feel like driving really.)" I said slowly.

"(Sure. When you're ready text me, okay?)" He asked and I said okay and hung up.

I flew out of the bed took a look at myself in the mirror and thanked God I hadn't put any makeup and went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a hot bubble bath but kept my hair in a high bun for the water not to wet it. I finished and wrapped a baby blue fluffy towel around my body. I went to my room dried myself and reached my phone and dialed my mom's number and asked her and told me to have fun. Nobody was at home even my brother.

I searched around my drawers for my neon pink bikini top and my waterproof shorts. I entered my closet and took out a Miami tee and pulled it over my bikini top and let my hair out of it's bun and ran a brush through it I checked a clock on the bedside table it read half past ten. I grabbed my crocs and put it on and grabbed my suncream, phone, some money and put them in my hand bag and jogged downstairs. I entered the kitchen opened the cabinet and took a bowl and poured some choco pillows in them and poured milk and ate. I waited for the coffee pot to finish.

I poured some milk in the mug just as my phone rang. I answered and opened the door to find Ammar in the car waiting I called for him to enter he climbed out of the car and entered I closed the door behind me. We entered the kitchen, drank the coffee and I grabbed my bag and we drove off.

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