Chapter 8

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Baelfire stormed back inside the ballroom, searching for his father.
"Papa!" He called out. He soon found Rumplestilkskin.
"What is it, my dear son?"
"It's Emma. She's talking to this man, and she is completely smitten with him. I can see it in her eyes."
Rumple nodded. He knew she was. But Baelfire couldn't know that.
"It is only what you believe to see, my son. She is only conversing with this man you speak of, and he will definitely not steal your place at the throne."
Baelfire sighed. He nodded, disappointed in his father for not believing him.

Emma and Killian stopped at a pond, deep in a conversation about Killian's travels. Emma turned towards the palace.
"I should be heading back. Thank you, Killian, for accompanying me on this walk." She started back towards the palace. Hook grabbed her arm.
"Perhaps we could meet again." He said.
"But when?"
"Tomorrow. There is a gate in the back of the garden, I will meet you there. At noon."
"Until tomorrow then, Your Majesty." Killian said, kissing her hand.
"Call me Emma." Emma said.
He nodded, turned and headed for the large gate on the side of the garden.
Emma took one last look at Killian, and then he was gone.
"Emma? Emma where are you?" Someone called out.
"Over here." Emma called back, walking to where the voice came from. Queen Elsa of Arendelle came into view.
"Why hello, Your Majesty." Elsa said, curtsying.
"Elsa, you can drop the 'Your Majesty'. Just call me Emma. I know you don't like being called Your Highness or anything like that either."
"Well, Emma, how has your night been?"
"It's been well."

Hook hit the ground of the other side of the gate. Then he remembered something. Smee. He was still inside. Hook started to walk back towards the front of the palace to see if he could get back inside.
At the front, he came face to face with about a dozen guards, who wouldn't let him past.
"I had an invitation earlier, you need to let me in." Hook reasoned.
"Sorry, sir. That's against our orders." One of the guards said.
"Wait," another one started, "You look like that wanted pirate captain."
Hook stared at them wide-eyed for a moment, then took off running. The guards were right on his tail, but Hook had spent his life running from people, so he got further ahead.

"Yeah he-" Elsa stopped. "E-Emma." Emma looked confused when Elsa pointed behind her. And there stood a breathless Killian.
"Killian? Why did you come back?" Emma asked.
"Someone is after me," He said, breathing hard, "and I can't explain who but I need to get out of sight."
Emma nodded and looked at Elsa, who looked between Hook and Emma, confused.
"Elsa, do you remember that secret stairway we found as kids?" Emma asked.
"Yes of course, we used all the time."
"Do you remember where it is?"
"I think so."

So that's interesting. Killian's gonna hide in the palace. And Rumple's got somethin goin on
Well I guess that's it.

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