Chapter 19

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Baelfire paced around the room, mumbling quietly to himself. Rumplestiltskin sat watching him on top of a table.
"This just doesn't make sense, Papa," Baelfire said, "I thought that locking Hook up and just keeping him away would make her leave him alone, but none of that worked. What is happening Papa?"
Rumple pretended to think. He knew exactly what was happening, and what was surely going to happen according to his plan, but he couldn't let Bae know for the sake of the plan.
"Well, I believe Emma is just being rebellious because it's in her blood." He said. Baelfire sighed and leaned against the table across from his father.
"What do you mean it's in her blood?"
Not many people had known about the incident with Lilly, or that she even existed. Lilly was different, in a magical sense, which caused the king and queen to keep her hidden, sort of like Elsa, except she was allowed to interact with Emma. Rumple had to quickly think of an explanation of his insight that wouldn't ruin the plan.
"Her mother. Remember how I told you of her revolts against King George as a princess?"
Baelfire's eyes flicked back and forth from the floor to his father, suspecting him to be hiding something.
"Yes, Papa. It may only be a small rebellion, but it could turn into something worse." he stated to Rumplestiltskin before walking out to find the king and queen.

David had no idea what to do. If he lost Emma too..... He could never live with himself, and he already couldn't forgive himself for letting Lilly leave him. Of course, Snow chose the exact moment that David was having an emotional breakdown on the floor to walk in.
"David? David! What's happened? Are you okay?" she crouched next to him, placing a hand on his back. The king looked up at his wife, his eyes red and slightly puffy, not knowing what to say.
"David, what's wrong?" Snow used that soothing voice she used on the girls when they were young to calm them. The same voice Lilly had caught onto.
David hesitated, but then decided to just let it all out.
"Emma, she came back to the palace," he paused to take a breath, "and she broke Hook and that thief out of the dungeon with Elsa."
Snow stood up abruptly and walked outside onto the balcony, into the windy night. She needed the cold air to keep the tears she felt coming at bay. David followed her outside and leaned against the rail. They both knew what had happened before, and they knew it could happen again. Especially since the circumstances were so similar. One thing was changed. The position of one person, a very significant person.
"We have to get her back." Snow announced what they were both thinking.
"How are we going to do that? She escaped with a pirate and a thief, both very experienced in running and hiding and more importantly, getting away. Who knows where she could be now." David countered.
"But, we don't even know if she stayed with them. She and Elsa could be....."
"That's-" David started.
"You know how he is. You know what happened, and all he's done. We don't know! We could have lost both of our daughters to the same man and we wouldn't even know it!"

Emma woke up laying on a thin blanket and pillow on the floor, with Killian obviously missing. She sat up, looking around, slowly recalling the events from the night before. She noticed Smee laying in a corner, but other than him, the room was empty. Some laughter came from the other room, so Emma got up to see what was going on. She emerged from the hall to see Killian, Robin, Elsa, and Robin's men seated at a table, with various foods scattered about the table. They were all watching one of the men attempt to balance a mug on his forehead, and repeatedly failing, apparently because of a bet.
"Stop distracting me, Will." The man said, carefully placing the mug back on his forehead. Another man, seemingly named Will, shrugged and crossed his arms.
"I knew you couldn't do it." he says as the mug falls yet again. This causes a commotion between the rest of the men.
"Oh, Emma!" Elsa exclaimed from the other side of the table, drawing the attention of Hook and Robin to the blonde standing awkwardly in the room. Elsa pulled out a chair next to her and gestured for Emma to come and sit.
"These men are all children on the inside, I swear." Elsa says to Emma as soon as she sits down. "Want some tea? They only have green, none of the fancy types." Elsa grabbed a teapot next to her, pouring it into the mug sitting next to Emma. Emma carefully took a sip, immediately putting it down.
"Goodness, that's hot."
"Oh, I can take care of that" Elsa flicked her wrist towards the small mug, making some frost appear on the outside. Emma stared at it and proceeded to turn the mug upside down, showing that the tea was now frozen solid.
"Oops," Elsa said, giving her an apologetic look. "I'm still trying to work on that."
Both of their heads turned at the sound of something breaking. The man who had been trying to balance the mug on his forehead was now staring at the shattered pieces of it on the floor.
"Now look what you've done." Will said.
"Well, now you'll have to buy me a new one." The other man said, crouching down to pick up the pieces.
"The bet was specifically if you could balance it for a whole minute then you get the money, I never said anything about you dropping it." Will said cockily. The man picking up the pieces grabbed and pulled on one of the legs of Will's chair, causing him to fall over, and everyone else to burst out in laughter.
"Bloody hell," Will mumbled as he got up and dusted himself off. He grabbed his rum bottle and took a swig before settling back into his chair.
"I agree," Emma said. "They're all children."
Smee came out of the room looking like he'd seen a ghost. He came over and stood behind the four, gnawing on his nails.
"Smee? Is there something wrong?" Hook asked, addressing the obvious.
"Uh, um, someone was in the room when I awoke, and he said he had a message for you," Smee said looking at Emma.
"What did he look like?" Hook asked immediately, with concern filling his voice.
"It was Rumplestiltskin." Smee stated bluntly. Emma's eyes widened with fear. He knew where she was. He could lead them to find her. And then what?
"What did he say?" Emma's anxiety was rising rapidly.
"He only said to give this to you," Smee handed a small piece of paper to Emma, who then read it aloud, but not loud enough to where Robin's men could hear them.
"Oh my queen, you thought you'd gotten away
But remember that I see all
Now listen closely to what I have to say.
History will repeat itself, it's almost inevitable. You cannot escape this fate, no matter what you do or where you go. So this message may be good-bye, Queen Emma, for the next time we meet, I'll be victorious, and you'll be getting fitted for a halo." Emma shuddered, her blood felt as if it had turned to ice.
By now, the commotion with the other men had stopped, and they were now looking at each other with confused looks. Emma sat staring forward, not at anything particular, but her mind was going in a million different directions, all leading to one thing. Lilly. Rumple had said that history would repeat itself, that could only mean Lilly. Emma started hyperventilating. She got up and went outside and started walking towards the woods. Hook got up and started following her. Elsa started to get up as well, but Robin held her back, giving her a look that told her to stay.
Emma had no idea where she was going, but she just continued walking. Hook caught up to her, and just quietly walked next to her. Emma was quietly mumbling under her breath, but it was mostly gibberish.
"Rumple thinks I'm going to die." She stated suddenly. Hook had already suspected that the Dark One's prophecy would involve Emma's death, but it was worse to hear it coming from her.
"He only thinks this is going to happen." He tried to reason with her.
"No, Rumple said that there was no escaping this. I am going to die, and it's my fault." Emma said. Hook didn't even know what to think or say to that. They continued walking for a moment in silence. They had emerged from the trees and were now strolling up a grassy hill. Emma sighed. She needed to tell him for any of this to make sense. They reached the top of the hill, which overlooked a beautiful lake. Emma went and sat against a lone oak tree, with Hook following suit.
"In part of Rumplestiltskin's message, he said that history would repeat itself, and I'm sure you've been wondering what he meant by that."
"Emma, if this is too hard for you to talk about, it's okay. You don't need to tell me." Hook put his hand over hers.
"Yes, I do." Emma said. This could be her way to let it go. All those built up emotions. She took a deep breath before she began to tell the story about Lilly.

AHAHAHAHAHAH Frozen pun. Im not funny.
This is weird. Like I completely abandoned the plot I was going for and made a full 180 with it. Idk guys. Remember the Titanic plot I was going for? Yeah that's gone. I guess this will be like a book with random movie elements. Idk. And that picture isn't like fan art or anything. I found it on cosmopolitan and I was like THIS IS TOTALLY CS so there it is. I even went back and changed Emma's dress color to red to go with it.

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