Part 4: Angelina

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     All Angelina could do was stare up at the sky. She didn't know what to think. All this time, she had been a normal girl, well as normal as a rock star can be. She had never thought about the existence of anything magical.

     "I mean, every kid has that phase where they want to be a super hero and play pretend." Angelina thought. "But I never thought I could be someone like that, let alone a princess. I'm so glad that chick Alicia let me stay here. I've got so much to do. My singing career is at its peak, I'm in my last year of high school, and now this!"

     Angelina got up and started walking back up to her house. She loved this time of year. There was a nice breeze and the air felt perfect. But something was a little different this time. Ever since Alicia had been there, there was a strange sense of menace in the air. Something evil was brewing, and she didn't like it.

     "Great, something else I have to worry about." Angelina said with a little dread in her voice.

     About half way up the hill, a violent wind hit Angelina, knocking her to the ground. Just as she started to stand up and reach for her new power wand she'd received from Alicia, another blast knocked her right back down.

     Angelina couldn't figure out where it was coming from, nor did she have enough energy or time to transform in order to defend herself. All she could do was take the blows and try to hold on.

     For a moment, the winds stopped and Angelina got to her feet. She grabbed her power wand and yelled "Aquamarine Star Guardian Power!"

     When she emerged from the shimmering vortex, she found herself in mid-shin aquamarine boots, an aquamarine skirt the went a little past her mid thighs, and a white top with an aquamarine collar with a short ribbon hanging from the middle that had a shining star on it.

     At that very moment, it all seemed to fall into place. Even though she had thought she'd never fought before, it all felt right to Angelina. With s quick glance, Angelina was able to find her attacker. She shot an "aquamarine rhapsody" attack the man, but he dodged it with ease. Even though she knew what shewas doing, her reflexes in battle were still lagging.

     On top of that, Angelina had already been drained of a lot of energy from the previous attacks. After three more attempts at hitting the strange man, Angelina dropped to her knees, panting. Her attacker hit her with one final blow and she dropped completely to the ground.

     Her costume turned back into the jeans and t-shirt she had been wearing before. By that time, Angelina had no hope of keeping consciousness. She blacked out and felt her attacker carry her limp body away. She was powerless. She couldn't fight back against this enemy. All she could do was silently worry in the darkness of her own mind.

     "What do I do now?" she thought. "I wish I had gone with Alicia." Then it was cold…

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