Part 11: Kenalia's Revenge or a little girl's confusion?

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     The next morning, Mya was awakened by yet another blood piercing scream. Afraid that her sister was in trouble again, she ran next door into Amery's room. Amery lay in her bed asleep and at first Mya thought she had just been dreaming. Then she noticed it, a red and black pulse that ran over her sister's body. Amery was tossing and turning in her sleep. She kept mumbling something but Mya couldn't understand what she was saying.

     Mya ran over to her sister and began to try to wake her. But as soon as Mya touched Amery, she was shocked by the pulses and fell backwards in surprise. Alicia, hearing the crash of something Mya hit behind her, came running.

     "What happened?" Alicia said panting.

     "I don't know. I thought I heard Amery scream, but when I came in here, she was tossing and turning. There's a weird electric pulse running over her. When I tried to touch her to wake her up, it shocked me and I fell backwards." Mya said rubbing her shoulder.

     Alicia walked over to Amery's bedside. She reached her hand out to touch Amery and she was shocked as Mya had been. Alicia stepped back rubbing her hand.

      "What's happening to her?" Mya asked.

     "I don't know, but I don't like it. This has Kenalia written all over it." Alicia said

     "Mya, when did you hear her scream? I'm a light sleeper and I never heard anything." Alicia asked.

     "I just heard it. The scream sounded just like the one we heard when Kenalia grabbed her. At first I thought she was in trouble, but now I'm starting to wonder if it was just a dream." Mya said.

     "Sissy, help me." Amery mumbled in her sleep. "It's dark here."

     Mya looked down at her sister with sad eyes. There was nothing she could do for Amery.

     "I wonder," Alicia began "if this is one of those dreams Amery was talking about where she sees things from the past?"

     Mya shook her head. "I don't think so. She told me she's had one of those dreams since she's been here and it was while her and I were sharing a room, and none of this happened." Mya said.

     Then, Amery started tossing more violently and rolled off her bed in Mya's direction. Mya caught her and as soon as Amery touched Mya, the pulses disappeared and Amery seemed calm again. Then Alicia noticed Mya's hand glowing when she came in contact with Amery.

     "Mya, what are you doing?" Alicia asked pointing at Mya's hands.

     "I don't know, but whatever it's stopping the nightmare." As soon as Mya laid Amery back on her bed, a shadowy vapor emerged from Amery's mouth. Mya and Alicia jumped back as the vapor turned into a strange creature. Mya and Alicia grabbed at their power wands, simultaneously transforming.

     "Hmph, this looks a little boring. They don't look as tough as Kenalia described them." the creature said sounding a little disappointed. "Isn't there supposed to be another one?"

     "I'm right here." Angelina said as she rounded the corner into Amery's room already transformed.

      The creature smiled and said "Let the games begin."

     All three girls looked at the monster a little confused. Three small balls appeared in front the monster. "These games are called Mitzo's choosing the right ball or explode. The rules are, each one of you will pick a ball to open. Two of them are safe but one will explode. Eventually you will all open one that explodes, so I already win." the monster said.

     "What if we don't want to play your games?" Mya asked.

     "Then I'll make them all explode now." he replied. Mya flinched at the thought. So the game began.

     Angelina, Mya, and Alicia lined up in front of the balls.

     "Are these the ones you pick?" The creature asked.

     All three girls nodded. "Okay, open yours first." he said pointing at Angelina.

     Angelina reached out in front of her and tapped the ball she chose. It opened, but didn't explode. She sighed in relief then looked concerned at her friends.

      "Now you." he said pointing at Mya.

     Mya tapped on her ball, and smoke began to rise out of it. Before she could jump back, it exploded in front of her, knocking her back to the ground. She sat up rubbing her head and looked up at Alicia. The creature had the biggest grin on his face.

     "Finally, it's your turn." he said smiling straight at Alicia.

     She tapped on the ball and nothing happened. Alicia sighed in relief, then the ball exploded in front of her, even larger than how Mya's had exploded. Alicia went flying back and hit the wall. She sat there a minute with her head still lying on her chest before she lifted it and assured her friends she was all right.

     Amery was tossing and turning again in her bed. Mya wanted to get over there and calm her but she couldn't get past the monster. The creature looked down at Amery, then looked up at the girls.

     "My master wishes for me to leave." he said tipping his oddly shaped hat.

 "Who's your master?" Alicia demanded.

     He simply looked down at Amery and said, "Her." Then he disappeared.

     Mya couldn't believe her ears. Had that evil creature just said her little sister was his "master"? Amery was still tossing in her bed. Mya walked over to Amery, sat down on her bed, picked her up, and began cradling her sister's frail little body in her arms. Amery stopped moving then barley opened her eyes. She was in tears.

     "I'm sorry sissy. I didn't mean to." Amery whispered before slipping back into unconsciousness. Mya just stared down at her sister before looking up at Alicia and Angelina with pure shock in her eyes. Alicia just stared back at her, not sure what to say.

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