Part 6: The First Confrontation

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     Amery hadn't really thought about where she was. She was too busy trying to take in all that had happened in the last 24 hours. She had gone from being Amery Collins the regular six year old to Princess Amery May, second heir to the throne. When Amery did finally look at where she was, she realized she was in a strange car with Alicia driving.

     "Hey Mya?" Amery said.

     Mya looked over at Amery, surprised that she was awake that early, and said "Yeah baby sis?"

     "Where did the car come from?" Amery asked. Mya just shrugged her shoulders.

     Then Alicia replied, "Angelina loaned it to me. She thought it would be silly for me to walk to you so she lent this car to me so it wouldn't as long."

     Mya looked over at her little sister with sympathetic eyes and asked, "Amery, are you okay?"

     Amery just sat there silently. She wasn't sure how to respond. One part of her was happy to be reunited with her big sister, but the other part of her was confused about how she had lived all this time with her "parents" without knowing about anything that had happened.

     Finally she looked over at Mya, put on the best fake smile she could and nodded. Mya smiled back in relief. But as soon as Amery turned away from her sister, she felt a single tear run down her cheek. But she quickly wiped it away before more could come.

     All day while they were driving, Amery did nothing but "listen" to Mya, Alicia, and Cota talk about her past. The most she listened to was that a woman named Kenalia was nice, then turned evil. Amery's mom wanted to protect Amery and Mya so she sent them to Earth. All the other details she kept zoning out on. For the most part, she was thinking about the Collins'. Had they realized she was gone? Or did her memory leave with her?

     She also wondered about Mya and Alicia's "families". Did they know anything about them? Or did they not have a "family"? Surely Angelina did if she wanted to stay where she was living. Amery kept thinking she had heard Angelina's name before, besides the fact she'd known her since she was born.

     Then it hit her. Angelina Ashley, the teen rock star sensation. Now Amery definitely knew people took care of her. Angelina was known across the country by millions of fans. There was a specific song that Angelina sang that always touched Amery's heart, but she couldn't remember the name.

    Later on in the day, she remembered the song; it was called "Under a Sky of Shooting Stars". Then it started playing itself in her head. Its sweet melody eased her nerves and started to put her to sleep.

     "Amery, wake up." Amery heard Mya say as she shoved into the door.

     "Ow, you don't have to be mean sissy." Amery whined.

     "Come on you two, be serious. I don't like the aura around here." Alicia said. Amery and Mya quickly quit bickering and look out the window. They were in front of a large, almost mansion sized house. Alicia was right, there was a weird feeling in the area, and even Amery felt it.

     Slowly, all three girls got out of the car which was parked right in front of the garage. It was still the middle of the night, but even for this time of night, it was extremely dark. There seemed to be a dense fog engulfing the house. The further they got out of the car, the worse of the feeling they all had. Amery started shaking and Mya kept scooting closer to her, or at least she thought it was Amery.

     Then Alicia and Mya heard a scream and the fog disappeared. Not far behind them a strange man was holding Amery against her will. No matter how hard Amery squirmed, she couldn't get free. Suddenly the man disappeared from their sight and reappeared without Amery a few yards away.

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