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Written at: 12:30 AM, September 16, 2015
Where: In my room as the rain patters against the roof and the darkness swallows me whole.

So, it's been two or three years since I found this website. Two years, four accounts, and a best friend.
Now, to the deep part:
It's funny how your life can change in the blink of an eye. How nothing is never the same after the incident.
One simple thing can change the way you live, an argument, for example, can break up relationships, friendships, marriages.
Maybe you were diagnosed with a mental disorder, or a life threatening disease.
Maybe your parents got divorced.
Maybe you broke your arm.
Maybe your friend stopped being your friend.
Maybe you stopped dreaming.

Anything can change you. Anything. You are not invincible, no one is. We all have our weaknesses. All of us, and don't even try to deny it. We are not our OC's, we are not Mary-Sues. We don't live in a word of fiction, or maybe we do. Maybe as I sit here and type this late at night, someone can be watching me in a movie, or reading me in a book. Maybe I don't exist.
Nevertheless, it is quite sad we live in this way. We don't want to accept who we really are because we don't deem ourselves good enough. Society doesn't deem you good enough, now does it? We're considered the misfits, the freaks, geeks, nerds, whatever we get called.
Why aren't we good enough for society? What makes us so different? What makes us stand out?
I don't think it's the fact that we aren't good enough, I think it's the fact that society is afraid of the power we obtain. I know this, I've met geniuses in all sorts of ways on here. We can change the world easily. But we're all still children--and yes, a Teen counts as a child. (I sound like a mother hahaha)
Anyone else here ever stopped and wondered why the hell we exist? How this universe was created? If you haven't, once you start talking to me, you most likely will.
Maybe once we learn how to use our brains for the better and learn how to ignore and fight against society, we can change this world for the better. We can do this, I believe in us. As a team.
Yeah, yeah, I sound like a cheesy commercial or pick-me-up, but just trust me. If no one cares, I'll put my best efforts to it alone, most likely until the day I die.
And so help me, in a weird, crammed bedroom or garage that smells of pumpkin, you're going to find an old journal, or maybe a box. The paper will be covered in messy handwriting, and in those pieces of paper, are some of the craziest thoughts you'll ever see. All sorts of thoughts, but maybe, you'll find something you need in there. And I advise you to keep that piece of paper, or keep the journal.
Just keep it--and the rest of my written secrets--safe.

Woaaaaahhhh. I just wrote that. The end sounded like a book to me, I'll probably use the idea later if you want me to. Now, sorry about the excessive cheesiness, I just don't know how to get the point across...I'm awkward.
Yeah, I'll leave now.

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