The Other Side of Nowhere

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I really don’t know why – or how – I kept it a secret from everyone for all these years, but I guess that after my parents’ death, nobody has cared enough to see what I am. My name is Raven, and I’m the pack’s whore, slut, disaster and murderer. Unfortunately the list goes on and on. Of all the names, only one might be true: murderer.

For most werewolves, your first shift happens after your sixteenth birthday; the day you discover who your mate is, which is, for most werewolves, the best day of your life. Unfortunately, I had to go and be different. All of Chase and I’s problems started on our tenth birthday.

Chase, my twin brother, wasn’t always the way he is now; he used to be the best big brother in the world. Then Hunter came into the picture and convinced Chase not to play with me. The times that he did spend with me were short, and far apart. When it was us, everything went back to normal, but as soon as Hunter joined, they would be spiteful towards me until I left. After a while I gave up on spending time with them altogether. When my parents noticed and asked about it, Hunter would just say that I refused to play with them, which was a complete lie – when I tried to point it out, they sent me nasty looks.

One night, I really couldn’t fall asleep. My parents had gone to bed about an hour back. My dad’s snoring could barely be heard – if it were any softer, I wouldn’t have heard it at all. The sound of a door opening startled me. It was followed by soft footsteps that lead to my room. Because of my panicked state, I couldn’t place the scent immediately, but I could at least tell that it wasn’t unknown, so I assumed it was Chase. I heard my bedroom door open, and I froze. I pretended to sleep as he continued to my bed and sat down. He whispered, “I’m sorry for everything; he’s making me do it.”

He kissed my forehead, and left.


We were up in the musty, old tree house our dad had built for us with his bare hands, when all of a sudden, the most unimaginable pain shot through my body. I started to scream while my body thrashed uncontrollably, and I felt tears cascading down my face.

All I could think about was the deathly pain devouring my body.

“Mom! Dad!” Chase screamed at the top of his lungs, “Come quick! Something’s wrong with Raven!”

At lightning speed my dad was at my side, taking me in to his strong arms. The pain didn’t subside at all and my screams of agony never lessened either.

“Honey, what’s wrong with her? Why’s she in so much pain?” my mom questioned in a panicked tone, as my dad’s feet touched the ground. “She’s shifting. We have to get her to a clearing where no one can be hurt,” he stated.

“What? She’s only ten! She’s not even old enough; it could kill her!” My mom had tears pouring down her face as she covered her mouth with her hand.

Hours passed with agonizing pain coursing through me. When it all ended I was finally in my wolf form. “How is that possible? White wolves are only in myths,” Mom gasped.

We aren’t like the werewolves in movies.  Our bodies never fully change into a werewolf’s, since we still stand on only two legs, but we are almost completely covered in fur. Usually the fur is dark brown or pitch-black. Only extremely powerful werewolves are lighter colours but it never exceeds beyond light brown. Our ears get pointy and larger to make hearing easier, while our noses grow out and turns black to pick up when another animal is near us – whether it is a friend or an enemy – we still need to know it’s there. For our eyes, the pupils expand a large amount, which means that it is almost completely black. That advances our ability to see in the dark or at far distances. The nails on our hands and feet turn black and extend to make killing easier.

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