Chapter 3

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“We have to get the girl before she gets accepted into that pack, that is when she is going to get her full strength and powers” The master growl right before we were about to move in.

“Yes sir!” Our voices chorused.

“Do not mess this up! Or you will pay!” he growl deeper making us cower “remember the plan and do not, I mean DO NOT kill those two boys that will be with her, we will need them soon! And you will have to respond to the vampire counsel if you do. Group One are going in from the back entrance taking out all the guards with the guns loaded with tranquilizer darts, you will then split up searching each room making sure that everyone has been neutralized. Group Two you will go up to the target and take her WITHOUT damaging her in any way! Once you have her, bring her to me and Group Three and we will take her to our base, then all of you get out of there and make sure nobody knows our identity! ”

I personally didn’t see the point of kidnapping some innocent girl that just happened to be born as a hybrid. I made a promise to myself a long time ago, when my mom died to be exact, that I wouldn’t cause some bodies mate the same pain that my dad went through when we lost her to a pack of rouges. If this girl has a mate then I will do anything in my power to help her escape even if it gets me killed, I will keep that promise. I was part of Group Three, we were sitting in the van waiting for her to get brought to us. The only sound you could hear was the occasional thump of another guard’s body, until the Master swore under his breath causing all of our heart beats to speed up even more.

“What’s wrong?” I asked hesitantly.

“She joined there pack! This is not going to go down as well as we thought it was! When we get back to base, make sure to double the tranquilizer dose so that she doesn’t wake up to soon.”

"Yes, Master"

Group Two arrived with her body after five minutes of her joining their pack. As soon as they had placed her body in the back and closed the door, we were off to the base. Her body was so small and frail that it felt like she would break her arm if I used to much strength getting the needle into her vain.

"Once we get to the base tie her to the bed until she wakes up, then I want you to take her down to the cages" The Master said "She will not get food or water until I allow her to have it. When she has full control over her body we will put her strength to the test and see if she is as powerful as the myths say that she is!"

"How will we do that?" One of the guys asks.

"In the myths it says that even with silver in her system that she will still heal. I want to see how much silver it will take to stop that healing from happening since we allowed her to join that pack, my plans had to change! I also want to find out what other materials will stop the healing process so that we can use it on other wolves." 

"Why do we need her for the last part Master" A voice that I recognize as Sam asks.

"So that we don't have to go and put ourselves in danger every time a mutt dies! She won't be that easy to kill so it's better that we use her!"


So many different thoughts were running through my mind at this moment, I knew deep down that they wouldn't do anything like what my last pack did to me but what my last pack did to me damages a person, not only physically but emotionally. Every time I open my mouth to say something another memory came back and I could feel the pain that I went through then, it was bad enough going through it once but now. Now it was even worse it was like I was watching as a ghost in the distance not being able to do anything was killing me as scenes played before me. I watched as my body was tied up and beaten repeatedly while being called every single name imaginable but even if I was on the side lines I could still feel ever emotion going through my actual body, fear, pain, betrayal... They say that time heals all wounds but just because the wound is gone doesn't mean that there isn't a scar left behind. I tried everything to go to my body and help but no matter how hard I pushed forward the invisible barrier holding my back got stronger until there was no point in struggling and I just stayed motionless as I watched Hunter move forward to snap my neck...

"No, no, no..." I kept on mumbling under my breath with tears creeping down my cheeks.

"It's okay you don't have to join our pack if you don't want to. We won't blame you but can you at least stay with us until you can defend yourself then you can go if you want to" Parker said the hurt evident in his voice and on his face even though he was clearly trying not to show his true feelings.

"I'll join your pack" as I muttered the word an unbelievable pain ran through my body not leaving a cell of me without pain, it was like my spine was being trampled on by a herd of elephants. I tried my hardest to fight against the invisible force that was pulling me under but fate had other plans as I slowly started to succumb to the darkness feeling my body getting heavier and heavier until there was nothing.

*  *  *  *  *  *

I woke up in the bed again feeling like my body was on fire. I tried to move into a sitting position only to find out that I couldn’t move a muscle on body, I could only blink my eyes. I started to panic when a loud beeping noise come from a phone next to me. After about ten minutes of the beeping two men come rushing into the room to see what the sound was. When I looked closer I realized that something was wrong when I noticed that I wasn’t in a hospital like I had thought  I was earlier but I was tied to a bed which was pretty useless since I was already paralyzed.


It was hard to believe that taking the girl would be so easy, it was like taking candy from a baby. I was sure that those two boys would’ve put up a bigger fight since after all we were taking one of their ‘pack’ members. Everything would’ve been so much easier if those little mutts hadn’t of made her run. If he had just accepted her he would have so much power right now, maybe even enough to save her life...

Everyone knew that not everyone was on the Master’s side even though they are on his team but I can honestly say that The Master was the best. What he was doing wasn’t wrong, he was saving humans from those creatures. If it was up to me I would be doing a similar thing to him but I would’ve succeeded in killing them all off by now...

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