(Part 3)

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I didn’t know what to feel at the moment, on the one had I was relieved and happy to know that she was safe and the vampire wasn’t doing anything to her but on the other hand I was so angry that I was seeing red because she want to join a vampires coven!

I was still deciding what to feel when I felt a pin prick on my neck and then nothing... Just darkness...

“Hunter, come on wake up!” Someone shouted while shaking me vigorously which was making the pain inside of my head triple.

“What happened?” I asked opening my eyes to see that it was Chase who was shaking me.

“I was hoping that you could tell me that because one minute you were talking to me about saving Raven from the vampires and the next you grabbed your neck before falling to the ground moaning in pain.” He helped up onto the bed once he did that he sat down on the floor leaning up against the wall in front of me.

“I have no clue what happened...but I think that it might not have been my pain but Raven’s” I put my head in my hands groaning “We have to get her back! She is injured, we know for  a fact that they are hurting her now!”

“Hunter, you know that we can’t attack! We don’t even know where she is!” He get homes at sit on the bed next to me.

“How can you be so calm right now? She’s in danger! She could die! You are her brother, you are meant to want to get her back just as much as me!” I screamed right in his face.

“I do want get her back but what is the use of her coming back and both of us being dead! I'm trying to keep all of us alive here!” he gets up and starts to pace up and down in my room. He did have a point but that didn’t still didn’t stop me from wanting to go out and get her right now.

“I suppose that you do have a point.” I lay back on my bed with a loud sigh. This situation was so messed up! If only she hadn’t have gone!

“Of course I do! I'm always correct” He joked even though he was correct most of the time. MOST of the time!

“Why aren’t you an arrogant one?” I teased him and chuckled when he glared at me.

“We are going to get her back” he walked over to the door “don’t worry, everything will be okay in the end.” Half of me wanted to believe him but the other half didn’t know what to believe.

*  *  * FIVE DAYS LATER *  *  *

“HUNTER GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED! SUPPER IS READY!”  My sister Iris screamed from the kitchen or dining room, I really couldn’t tell. Today marks a week since Raven left unfortunately we still haven’t heard any new about her so all we can do is sit and wait.

“COMING NOW!” I rolled over groaning at the dull pain that was going throughout my whole body, it came about five hours after I black out a few days ago and hasn’t left since. As I walked down the stairs to the kitchen the pain started to subside and was quickly replaced with confusion, relief and contentment. I knew that those were Raven’s emotions because the only way for me to be content again was if Raven was by my side.

I walked into the pack house’s huge dining room, there was about twenty to twenty-five tables with a white table cloth covering each one of them. Each table seated at least ten people but we usually only use one of the tables, the one closest to the kitchen since it was the biggest and we could all eat together. If our whole pack was to be seated then every chair would be filled up but usually the teenagers are at parties and the families have their own home somewhere on our property.

Iris was currently ‘beating up’ Chase who was tugging on her long brown hair that had been put in platted pigtails on either side of her head. Iris was turning eight next week and according to her that today was the beginning of her birthday week so we had to do whatever she wanted us to do.

I slowly snuck up behind her making sure that she couldn’t see me when I was close enough to grab her she spun around and started to ‘beat me up’ just like Chase. I grabbed her arms and pulled her into a tight hug to stop her from ‘hurting’ me.

“What is for supper?” I asked looking at Chase who would most likely to give me the answer.

“PIZZA!” Iris yelled right into my ear, I let her go glaring at her while I rubbed my ear trying to get the ringing to stop. When I tried to grab her again she sprinted out of the room leaving me and Chase.

“We should go after her before she eats it all.” Chase walked out of the room with me only a few seconds behind him.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Since it was Iris’s birthday week we had to play dress up with her, all I can say is that I am so happy that everyone is out so that there are no cameras around but that didn’t make this any less awkward for Chase and me.

“Can we please get changed now?” Chase whined for the hundredth time.

“Yes” Iris said stretching out the word.

“Why do I sense that there is a ‘but’ coming up.” Grumbled Chase.

“Duh! You sense that there is a ‘but’ coming up because there is one! You two can only change if you do all of my chores for the rest of the month.”

“What?” “Are you blackmailing us?” Chase and I yelled at the same time.

“Yes, unless you want everyone to know that you two dressed up at girls.” She stuck her tongue out at us while we growled at her.

Chase and I looked at each other and nodded before looking her and agreeing to her blackmail. As we walked out of the room I suddenly felt Raven’s fear I was about to try and call out through our mind-link that we shared as mates but before I could I felt a searing pain in my lower back and heard her scream “AIDEN! HELP ME!” in my head. I looked up to Chase who nodded his head in a silent was of telling me that he had heard her too.

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