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Walking up to my apartment door I looked around before I pulled out my key to unlock the door but stop when I seen a note from our land lord on it I sigh already knowing what it say before I took it off

Opening the door I kicked my raggy leather boots off and proceed to make my way though our one bed room apartment

"Ma" I yelled walking up to her room looking down at the paper in my hand for a second shaking my head

"Ma I'm home" I yelled walking into her room I froze at the sight in front of me

"Noooo" I yelled running to my mom bloody body I look the gun out her right hand and the left hand it had a paper with the words "I'm sorry" on it I pulled my mom to me for a minute before I got up from her and ran down stairs to the house phone

Picking up the house phone it said it was disconnected I slammed it back down before running next door

"P-please I need help" I said knocking on the door next door

"Omg" I heard that man say looking at me probably because all the blood I had on me

"Please it's my mom she's dead please call 9-1-1" I said now crying harder as it all start to set in

The old man ran back into his apartment to get his phone while I ran back to my apartment to my mother

Going to her room i pulled her body to mines again and just cried my eyes out for what seem like hours

"Why mom why would you leave me like this i-i thought that you loved me" I yelled rocking her lifeless body back and forth

Since we stayed and the hood it took the police about 45 minutes to get here

The police started to come and they pulled me away from my mother body

"How old are you" the police officer asked

"1-17" I said clearing my throat to find my voice as I looked pass him to see them putting my moms body in a bag

"Well since your not 18 you will have to go to Forster Care or go stay with a family member" the officer said

I started to think about the last time they took me from my mother and I had to go stay with my uncle and he use to sneak into my room every night and I can't take going though that again

I looked past the police officer to get a good look at my old apartment & my mom before I did what my mind told me to do and that was to run

I ran as far as my legs would let me go

"Hey get back here" I heard a officer say

But it was too late cause I was already gone



(Kail at the top)

Mentality Abuse(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now