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5 mouths later

Waking up to one of the twins crying I got up to see which one it was

Walking to the twins room I stop walking when I got to Calvin room and heard him humming a song to Na I stop and started looking at them

His back was turn to me I lick my lips at his well toned back

I'm not gone lie me and Calvin are very flirty at times one time we even kiss but I stop it before it went to far I told him I think we should just keep it as being friends and he agreed

I'll be lying if I said I didn't have any feelings for him cause I do and I know they just gone get stronger

"You done eye raping a nigga" he said facing me whiling holding Na who was reaching for me

I rolled my eyes "what ever I wasn't even staring besides you not that cute" I told him whiling getting Na

"Oh really" he said smirking walking up to me he put his face in my neck and I stiffen when I felt his tongue on my neck

"C-calvin" was all I was able to say

Knock knock knock

He pulled away from me with a smirk before walking down the stairs

I sigh looking down at Na who was trying to get down I put her down and grabbed her hand and walked across the hall to get Hayden

"Hey baby" I said picking him up kissing ask over his face making him smile I swear I love these baby as if they were my own they even call me mama of course it made it uncomfortable at first but I got use to it

"Ma ma eat eat" Hayden said once I put them down

"Ok let's go feed the babies" I said grabbing there hands and walking down the steps to see Ivan sitting down on the sofa talking and laughing with Calvin

When the kids seen him the they started walking as fast as they could to him making me laugh

"Wassup princess" he said picking up Na and kissing her cheek

"Wassup lil nigga" he told Hayden I shook my head cause I done told him bout that

"Man didn't I tell you to stop calling my son that" Calvin said

"Oh my bad I forgot" Ivan said finally looking up at me

"I-imma just go get the kids food ready" I said walking off

I got the kids food out and put them on there high chair

"Calvin bring the twins please" I said

Instead of him bringing them Ivan walking in holding them both

"Mama" Na said

I took her from him and put her in the high chair while he put Hayden in his

"Thank you" I told him

He just nodded and walked out

I feed the kids and I walked out to get ready to for this lil date thing with Shot

I brushed my hair up into a bun and was sliding on my dress when Calvin walked in

"Yo where you going with that lil shit on Kali" Calvin asked turning me around to face him

"I have a date with shot I thought I told you that" I told him turning back around to look in the mirror

"Yea you said some shit about it but you didn't say you was going Kali " he said looking at me thru the mirror

"I know but I thought about and like I'm kind tired of being single like I want someone that be there for me when I cry to hold me at night, and to tell me they love me" I said bushing the back of my hair up while explaining to him

"Well I do all them things plus more for you Kali" he said I rolled my eyes

"Yea I know but you do it in a friend way Calvin" I told him he snatch the bush out of my hands and turned me to him

"No Kali I love you like I'm in love with you your great with my kids they love you like a mother I been having theses feeling for you since day one" he said wrapping his arms around me and putting his forehead against mines

"I-i I don't know what to say" I told him biting my lips while looking away

"Just say you'll give us a try baby girl" he said I thought about it I do care for him and he's good and I haven't seen him with any chick and we already playing house

"Ok.........but what about Ivan" I asked him nervously not knowing how he was gone take it

He took a step back "what about him" he asked with his eye brows up

"No it's not like that it's just I d-did have sex with him and y'all are friends and i don't want to mess that up" I said with my head down ashamed

"So I don't care about that and trust me he got bigger problems" Calvin said pulling me to him again

I wanted to ask what problems but I didn't I just drop it besides I'm with Calvin now

"Ma ma" Na came crawling in the bathroom making me pull away from him

I picked her up"I thought you was suppose to lay them down K.O" I asked him irritated

"I did baby I swear I don't know how she got out of bed" when he called me baby my heart instantly started beating fast

"W-well I'll put her down" I told him walking away

I put Na in her crib and checked on Hayden before walking down stairs to Calvin who was watching basketball on TV

I tried to sit down beside him but he pulled me into his lap

He wrapped his arms around me while smirking at me the whole time

"This bout to be a interesting relationship" he said and I nod agreeing with him


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