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"Yo bring your ass out now" I heard Ivan yelled from the other side of the door

"I-im coming" I said taking one more look at the new clean me I looked down at the outfit that Ivan had some girl bring me(outfit at the top)

I ran my hands throw my shoulder length hair before picking up my old dirt clothes

"I'm ready now" I said with my head down while tucking my hair behind my ear

"Pick your head up" he said

I lift my head up to see him looking at me up in down then when he looked at my eyes again I put my head back down

" I said pick up your head up" he grabbing my face lift it up for me

"I'm tell you some shit about me I don't like repeating myself twice shit I barely like saying it the first time so when I say do something I mean right then and there do you hear me" he said with his dark cold eyes

I nodded my head"speak" he said more demanding then asking

"Y-yes" I said a lil bit scared

"Good" he said dropping my face from his hands

"Now I'm going to show y-" he was cut off by his office door opening and some short red headed light skin girl came in and I'm not gone lie I seen why he was with her cause just looking at her made insecure

"Hi bae" she said trying to kiss him but he had turn his head

"Wassup Liza" he said looking at her in licking his lips

"Nun baby I just came by to give you something" she said pushing her boobs on him and patting her thick long eye lashes

"Ight I need to take care of some real quick" walking around his desk and picking up his phone he called somebody

"Send K.O. in" he said before hanging up

Less then a second we heard a knock at the door and there stood the finest Nigga I ever seen

"Stop fucking eye fucking this nigga and pay attention" Ivan said mad

"S-sorry" I said with my head down

"Up" was all he had to say to let me know that I needed to pick my head up

"Now look K.O. this is ......" He said trailing off

"Kali" I said with a soft voice trying not to stare at him to long

"Yea that and she gone be a people watch and I want you to show her around and if anything happens to her then something will happen to you got it" Ivan said with a straight face

"I got it Ride" he said looking at me still

"Good dismiss" he said and turn his back and went to that girl

I walked beside K.O.

"You new to all this huh" he asked while smirking at me

Mentality Abuse(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now