What Once Was Mine Chapter Five

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Chapter Five-Desperate Measures

But the boy would not be corrupted by the words of the Queen and her promises of power. He wished to return home and promised the Queen he would defeat her if it came down to that. The Queen was furious to hear him deny her offer. Though she did not say it outright, she knew that if the boy truly did make it to her, she would have to crush his determination. She would have to take his heart. That is, if he wasn’t killed or captured beforehand.

Queen’s P.O.V.

The boy pushes me out the dream. How dare he deny my kind offer. I will make him regret his decision. And who knows? I hear men go crazy in those woods. The forest plays with their minds. Eventually, they die, with no clear goal.

But just in case...


The soldier by the door walks over to me.

“What is it Ma’am?”

“Gather a group of men. Ten. No more, no less. Their orders are to go into the forest. I want them to capture the human boy.”

Josh’s P.O.V.

It was dawn. After that nightmare, I had awakened with a start. I had a new determination in me.The king wasn’t evil. He hadn’t been lying. Sure, the king had probably called me here, and possibly endangered my life, but he had been a desperate man. The Queen on the other hand, was evil. And she had been manipulating my thoughts. But I refused to be her pawn. Somehow I had resisted her power. And with that optimism in mind, somehow, I could live to see my home once again.

I trek through the forest, and soon, dawn turns to morning. I stop, and I realize I’m starving. From my pocket I took out the little makeshift bag of berries I had collected. Luckily, I had not squished them in my sleep. I also had some bread leftover, but I knew I had to save it. Bread could not quench my thirst. I had to find some water. A stream, perhaps, or a river. Or a lake, but fat chance of that happening. I continued on.

Light shimmered and the trees warped. A bird flew by. A real bird, not a toy one. Perhaps I was hallucinating. Dehydration can do that to a person.

Then I heard it. The sound of running water. How convenient. Water, just when I needed it.

I ignored the nagging feeling and rushed towards the sound. It grew louder as I came closer.

It was a small stream, but it was sufficient.  I leaned my head down. and tasted the sweetness of hydration. The inside of my mouth no longer felt like sandpaper.

Leaves rustled in the distance. My head shot up, turning in all directions. A group of toy soldiers, all replicas of one another, were coming this way. I ran for it.

If they found me, there may be something worse than death.

Queen’s P.O.V.

Was I worried about my soldiers? No. Soldiers born with no hearts had no fears. They would not grow mad. But lost? Perhaps. But my soldiers were designed to be efficient. They will find the boy and bring him to me. They will be quick about it. They need not rest. They are my perfect soldiers. And the boy? He will be punished for defying me.

Josh’s P.O.V.

To how I got up here is a mystery. I ran and ran. But I knew I wouldn’t get away. I needed to hide. So I climbed this tree, a skill I did not know I had.

It’s been a while since the stream. The soldiers have marched past me, never looking up. Perhaps they weren’t made to look up. I am starting to get thirsty once again. I suck on a berry while leaning on the tree trunk.

I was getting tired, but it was not ever dark yet. I looked at the berry in my hand. Perhaps it’s... a berry made for sleep...

Omnicient P.O.V.

The creatures of the night have come out to play. They ignore the boy in the trees. He’s in a deep sleep. It’s no fun to play with him.

They ignore the girl on the ground. She’s already hallucinating. She needs no further push over the edge.

But the soldiers are wide awake. The keep marching, and do not rest. They are perfect prey for the children of the dark.

The shadows rattle the branches of bushes. Instinctively, one soldier turns his head to look. The others stop too.

A twig snaps. They turn their heads. Shadows form monsters on the ground. Their arms move, but no wind is blowing. Instead it whispers.

Heartless soldiers have no fear

At least that’s what I hear

Let’s swallow you up inside the earth

And make you disappear

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