What Once Was Mine Chapter Three

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Here's chapter three of the story. I know it's short, yet again, but this chapter is sort of a filler.

Chapter 3-By Now

And so they had found one. A small fourteen year old boy who had completely forgotten his past was trekking into the Forest Of Creatures unaware of the dangers that lay in his path. But he had the heart of a hero. A pure heart. A heart that was not tainted by the deeds that the Queen had done. Someone with a clean slate.

Josh’s P.O.V.

As I headed into the forest, I wondered about where I came from.Had I come from a nice home, and had been taken to this strange place as some kind of punishment? Was this real? Nah. It’s probably just some kind of weird dream. But why couldn’t I remember anything? I couldn’t remember my parents, or anything that had happened the day before. Or the day before. The day before that. Nothing. No important  events came to me. No friends, no teachers. I couldn’t remember a thing. None of this felt familiar. The king had not been a representation of someone from my life. I felt no familiarity to him. Didn’t dreams usually construct images from real life?

I shook the thoughts from my head. I had to concentrate if was going to ever find Porcelain, find the toy box, and return home and find out what was waiting for me back in my world. Maybe a nice warm home in a city where there were always lights shining. Somewhere I didn’t have to fight an evil queen. Somewhere with a nice soft bed so I wouldn’t have to sleep on the ground and next to a tree. Somewhere nice and cozy....

I dreamt I was in a small orphanage. Children were running all around everywhere. Children of many different ages were playing a game.

A girl ran up to me and took my hand, “Come on Josh!”

She giggled as she dragged me off.

“And be quiet,” she said, putting a finger to her lips. “We can’t let Matt be caught after us, now can we?”

She crawled under a bed and motioned for me to follow her. I entertained her idea of hiding under a bed- though everyone knows it’s the first place people tend to look. We waited patiently, as silent as mice. We could hear footsteps in a distance coming closer. A boy’s socks were visible from under the bed. He peered down at us.

“You do realize that this is the most common hiding spot, right?” the boy said.

We crawled out from under the bed. The girl growled, “At least we were caught after you, Matt. Where did you hide, a closet?”

“I let them find me,” he said defensively. The girl looked at him pointedly, “Oh come on. Back me up here Josh.”

I shrugged, “Well, all in all, you were caught first.”

He groaned, defeated. The girl linked arms with Matt and patted his head.

“It’s okay. We can still have a competition to see how many people we find,” she suggested.

Matt unlinked his arm from hers, “You’re on.”

They raced off. Sighing, I followed them.

Porcelain’s P.O.V.

Where am I? How did I get here? And why did I feel so cold? Was it the darkness of the forest? Why was I taken here- a forest of all places? Taken here? How did I know I was taken here? Why would I even be taken? It wasn’t like I was worth anything to anyone. I was just a sad lonely excuse for a human being. What was a human anyways? And how was I one, without a heart? No human being could live without a heart. How did I know these things? How did I know that I was without a heart? How did I know anything?

I decided against thinking. It was becoming too tiresome. Too tiresome for an insufficient creature like me. A weak lonely individual with no heart and no emotions.

“STOP!” I shouted out loud.

The darkness of the woods was getting to me. I was going crazy. It seemed like nighttime, for it was much darker than it was just moments before. Or was it hours?

Shadows seemed to creep closer to me as time passed by.There seemed to be eyes in the trees. Fearful, I cried myself to sleep.

Carolina’s P.O.V.

My raven returned to me mid-afternoon. He had found where the king was hiding.

“But there is something else,” he said. “Something much more important.”

“Well don’t keep me waiting. Spit it out,” I said impatiently.

“There was another with him. A human.” he said in disgust. “He fell from the sky and headed into the forest.”

I was surprised, “And he did not die from the fall?”

“No ma'am. The king asked him to defeat you.”

I smirked, “Then I shall convince him to join our cause.”

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