What Once Was Mine Chapter Six

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Not really satisfied with this one. The Carolina parts seem a little weak. Thoughts? Comment below.

Chapter Six-Porcelain

The soldiers the Queen sent out to find the boy could not find him though. Even the Queen had no power other than to visit the boy in his dreams. However, she knew that the boy would eventually come to the castle. And when he came, she would be ready. Meanwhile, the boy had found the princess of the realm. Cast out by the evil queen, the princess was weakened and disheartened.

Carolina's P.O.V.

"Raven! Come here!" I called out.

He flew through the window, landing on my shoulder.

"What is it my Queen?"

"Report to me. Are my soldiers returning with the boy yet?"

He twitched. Or perhaps it was a shake of the head.

"No ma'am. We have watched the border carefully, but the soldiers have not returned."

I smacked him off my shoulder. He cawed, flapping his wings to keep flight.

"Then get out there, and find out what has happened!"

He shrieked, swiftly fleeing for the window. I cackled. He could never escape servitude. He was linked to me the day I saved his pathetic life. He would find out what happened, even if he had to fly into The Forest. And perhaps he would peck out the boy's eyes while he was at it.

Josh's P.O.V.

[I awoke in a forest clearing, in the dead of night. At the base of a giant tree, stood a young girl. Not a toy, but a person. A lost warrior, beautiful and dangerous. I had found Porcelain."]

It was still nighttime, but after that dream, I was wide awake.

The dream was about monsters. They were like shadows. They traveled swiftly, without making a sound. They flew towards me, but I was no longer me. I was a soldier, and I was marching. I cared not for the monsters. I was only searching. Searching for something, though I didn't know exactly what it was. And then, the ground swallowed me up. The others too. The ground collapsed beneath my feet, and for once in my life, I had emotion. I was scared for my life.

I was no longer a soldier. I watched as the soldiers grasped for dear life. But they weren't really sinking. It was like they were dancing. Dancing to nonexistent music, which only the monsters could hear.

It was a terrifying dream. I was afraid now. I was never scared of this forest before. I looked around for some source of comfort.

But the moon was my only source of light. I could barely see. I heard sobbing in the distance. I made my way towards it, my only goal at the moment. At the base of a giant tree, stood a girl. She was not a toy. She was like me, a human.

Porcelain's P.O.V.

When I woke up, the first thing I did was throw up. It was awful, a sour taste, and a feeling of emptiness in my stomach. Harlow berry induced terrible hallucinations lasting for days until your body got rid of it all.

"Are you alright?"

It was a kind voice, but it startled me. I kneeled back. Standing before me in the bright moonlight was a boy with inky black hair.

"Who are you?"

He helped me up, stepping away from the puddle of my puke.

"The name's Josh. And you?"

"My- my name?"

I couldn't remember what a name was.

"Are you- perhaps... Porcelain, the king's daughter?"

His eyes were hopeful. If I was the one he was looking for, his long and perilous search would finally be over. I could sense it. But being a king's daughter would make me... make me a...

"Are you Princess Porcelain?"

I scratched my head. "I don't remember."

He looked at me thoughtfully. "You must be. You're the only one I've seen in this forest."

I marveled at him. "There's somewhere other than this forest?"

"Of course! There must be." He took my hand. "Come on. Even if you aren't the Princess, travel with me on my Quest. And maybe I can help you regain your memory."

"Alright." I let him lead the way. "But we better find some some food. I'm starving."

Carolina's P.O.V.

I never really thought of what I would do after I took control of the kingdom. All I ever wanted was to be at the top, and now that I was, I didn't know what to do.

Everything here was boring now that all the people of the kingdom were under my control. Whoever thought villainy was so dull?

"Guard! Find me someone to entertain me!" I commanded.

He saluted and left the room, leaving me with my dilemma.

Porcelain's P.O.V.

Soon enough it was daybreak and we were munching on fried squirrel.

"It's strange how these are real squirrels," Josh said.

"What do you mean by real squirrels?" I asked.

"I mean... I would have expected it to be plastic- a toy."

I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion. "What's a toy?"

"Well... back where I came from, toys were things you would play with. They were created by humans- people like us, for kids so they could have fun."

"Where did you come from, if not here?"

"I don't really know, but where I came from, toys only moved when you moved them."

"And here they can," I concluded.

"Yup," Josh said. "That's why I thought that everything here would be a toy."

We ate silently for a while, watching the fire he had created.

"And the king is a toy?"


"Then why do you think I'm his daughter?"

"He said Porcelain was his adopted daughter." He pointed at me. "And that she had half of the key."

I looked down where he was pointing. Hanging on a chain was half a key.

Josh's P.O.V.

[She wore a half key around her neck, like a pendant. I asked Porcelain why she wasn't a toy like everyone else. She didn't know. She couldn't remember anything of her life before her heart had been stolen, and had felt empty ever since.]

She grasped the key in her small hand.

"What is this?" she asked. "And why do I not remember my past?"

"Why aren't you a toy Porcelain?" I asked her. "Where did you come from?"

She looked at me, shaking her head. "I don't know."

She got up.

"Let's keep moving."

I put out the fire and we continued their trek through the forest.

"I've felt empty as long as I can remember, which was not long ago." she told me. "I thought it was hunger at first- but now that I'm full, I realize it's something else."

I step over a fallen log. "What is it?"

"I- I don't know." I help her over. "But it's right here."

She points at her chest.

I looked at her sadly, remembering the king's words. "Your heart, Porcelain. The queen took your heart."

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