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@ twerkonpayno
don't lie to me. I know I'm not pretty, and I've grown to accept it.
6:40 a.m.
@ real_liam_payne
you're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different. but I never caught your name love?
6:41 a.m.
@ twerkonpayno
you don't understand how much that means and I might sound calm but I'm actually jumping around my room and crying. but my name is Brooklyn:)
6:43 a.m.
@ real_liam_payne
I hope you're crying tears of joy, not tears have sadness. I hate seeing beautiful girls cry. & that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl:)
6:43 a.m.
@ twerkonpayno
I'm going to go before I end up fangirling in front of you I'll talk to you later maybe hopefully??
6:44 a.m.
@ real_liam_payne
haha okay:) yes talk to you later, Brooklyn.
6:45 a.m.

I really couldn't believe that I was talking to Liam Payne. You know how girls on fan fictions always get the celebrity? Well I didn't expect for that to happen. I actually really like Sophia and I don't want them to split, I just want to be friends with Liam. Well, I didn't even need to be friendship; just being able to know I can always talk to him. I didn't know if I was going to be able to tell Liam my story because of things he might stay about me.

I was only up this early for school so I thought I might actually want to get out of bed, and go get ready. There was this boy at school I really liked, his name was Cole. He played baseball, he was pretty smart, he wasn't too popular, but he almost always had a really pretty girlfriend. Well, I'm not the prettiest, or the most popular. I knew I didn't have a chance, which made me sad, but we were friends. Well, kind of. I knew him because he played baseball with my twin brother, Brandon. Brandon and Cole had been best friends since they were 5, the first time they were on the same baseball team.

Me and Cole had talked a lot, but nothing more than "hey" or me joining in the conversation that Cole and Brandon would have. I had liked Cole since we were 10, so about 6 years. He was so cute, I could never get him. I was drowning in my thoughts, when I heard someone say my name. I looked up and it was none other than Mr. Cole Robins. He said, "Hey sorry if I scared you." I guess he noticed that I jumped a little bit.
"Oh..ummm..n-no it's fine..um yeah" I stammered.
"Okay..um are you okay??" he said, I guess he noticed my stuttering. "Umm yeah it's just I was confused why such a cute-I mean nice guy like you would be talking to me." I couldn't stop stuttering. His face blushed after I said that, and I'm sure I was bright red also. He said, "Brooklyn did you just call me cute?"
"Um, uhh yes I did, I didn't mean it. No no no I mean I meant it but I didn't mean it say it. What I'm trying to say is yes I said it, yes I meant it, but I didn't mean to say it. I'm, uh, sorry." I was stuttering so bad. I just wish I could get out of this situation.
"I was actually coming over to see if you wanted to go to the game with me Friday? Well I guess you wouldn't be really going with me, because, uh, well I'll be playing, but all of the players girlfriends are going, and I just thought you could come, I mean i-if you want to, you don't have to, am I still talking? I'm sorry. Brooklyn will you go to the game with me Friday?" Did he just ask me to basically be his girlfriend?
"Yes I would love to!" I somehow managed to get out.
"Um really? Okay great! I'll pick you up at 5:30 Friday?" he said.
"Okay see you then, Brandon." I said, and smiled one of the biggest, most genuine smile I've ever smiled. He smiled back and ran back to the field, where they were about to start practicing. I walked to my car, and Maya was there waiting for me.
"Okay Brooklyn what happened?" she asked.
"Okay so you know how I've liked Cole since like 4th grade??? WELL HE JUST ASKED ME TO GO TO THE BASEBALL GAME AND SIT WITH ALL THE PLAYERS GIRLFRIENDS!" I screamed, making sure no one was around.
"OH MY GOSH BROOKLYN IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU." Maya said. The rest of the way to Dairy Queen consisted of me and Maya discussing what I'm going to wear, what I'm going to say, and how I'm going to act. Yes me and my best friend think and act these things out before they actually happen. When we got home, I checked Twitter for the first time since I left school this morning. I had a DM from Liam. My inner fangirl makes me want to scream and jump, but if I actually want to be friends with him, I have to stay cool.
@ real_liam_payne
Hey brooklyn:) how was your day at school?
4:31 p.m.
@ twerkonpayno
It was good thank you! How was your day of doing whatever you boys do while on the road?
4:36 p.m.
@ real_liam_payne
Well, Brooklyn, my day was good. it consisted of being woken up by my bed mate Niall, then going out and exploring whatever is here in Chicago. Chicago is a really cool town, and since we're done with the album, we're allowed to go out and see it. We've been to Chicago before, but I always feel like there's new places to see.
4:40 p.m.
@ twerkonpayno
I wish I could travel like you guys. That's actually a dream of mine.
4:41 p.m.
@ fake_liam_payne
Maybe someday you'll be able to, and I hope I'm the one that gets to make that happen.
4:42 p.m.

A/N/// yeah so that just happened!!! I'm so excited for this book you don't understand. I'm sorry for not updating yesterday but maybe this 1,100 word chapter will make up for it??? idk I love you guys comment what you think!!! see you tomorrow:)!!!

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