Chapter 6: The Way to Sherrill

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Author's Note: What is this? Nessie updated? And so soon too? No way? Well, yes way, and I really hope to get back to updating the story regularly from now on! I hope you enjoy the chapter :) Nothing much in particular to say about it, but it's finally beginning not to be all just about Eshe! Hehehe!



Chapter 6: The Way to Sherrill

Large screens on the airport of Buffalo showed the weather forecast for the next days. Thick fog, and humidity. Ideal weather for us to travel on foot. Our every move would be concealed from prying eyes.

I still avoided talking to my parents, and they did the same. They were probably expecting I would ask again about the Volturi. Which is something I most certainly wanted to do.

During the flight, my sleep was uneasy. I was twisting and turning worse than my claustrophobic flightmate. In my defense, my dreams were terrible. In fact, they were nightmares. I kept seeing immortal children being discovered, and set on fire by the Volturi. I had no idea what the Volturi looked like; they were all figures dressed in black in my nightmare, with haunting, red eyes, the rest of their faces a dark void.

"Eshe, do you want to get something to eat before we start?" Mom started. "You missed the meal in the plane."

I tried to drown a yawn, covering my mouth with the back of my hand. "Uh..." I thought for a second, and my growling stomach answered for me. "Yeah, I guess so. Can we get some noodles?" Mom, even as a human, hated Chinese passionately. Dad was constantly teasing her about it.

With a sigh, she agreed. Dad hugged my shoulders, as we walked to a Chinese restaurant a few feet away from the airport. "I say we get some spring rolls for your mother too. They're your favorites, aren't they, Emma?" He snickered, and Mom punched his arm playfully.

"Let's get this over with," Mom murmured, pushing Dad and me forward.

Forty minutes and two bowls of noodles later, the airport of Buffalo was left behind us. We were only a few miles away from the airport, when we started running. Dad had taken my backpack, so that I could keep up with them. Attempting to bring up the Volturi was useless. Even if I wanted, talking was impossible for me. Even breathing was too much, while trying to run all the way to the small town of Sherrill. My parents didn't know how lucky they were to be rid of such an inconvenience.

Spring had made its appearance on these lands. Fresh grass blades, and newly opened flower buds covered the hills as far as my eyes could see. The frost net created by the humidity, crowned the purple and white flowers, leaving a trace of water drops on my ankles as I walked by.

We had left a few feet distance between ourselves and the closest street – namely enough for the fog to hide us completely – but the buzz of the cars passing by was audible. It didn't take long to figure out this wasn't a very central street. Sometimes I couldn't hear any cars even for fifteen minutes, and when I did, they were usually trucks.

Along the street I could see various shops scattered around. There were diners of course, some old and some built more recently, gas stations, but there were also more peculiar shops. Hannah's Bead Shop. Mushrooms and Truffles Bazaar. And many more. I couldn't imagine travelers looking for all these things on their way to Sherrill, so these shops probably had customers from the nearby towns. Although it was a fairly long distance from the next big city, small towns were scattered around here and there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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