Its just me myself and nobody else Ch2

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So this chapter actually has no boys accept for one ,the one on the other side of the street. We have been in school together since about 3rd grade he's kind of an 'on off friend' to he's my friend when were not at school but he's not when we're around his friends because he wants to be cool. His name is Nathan and I had a crush on him along time ago. I thought he wasn't like everyone else I thought he wouldn't make fun of me around his friends. We haven't seen each other in a while not since my B-Day party.

*Flash back moment*!

*I just got out of school and was about to walk over to the stretch limo that was waiting for me, Katie, Emma, and Victoria. All of the sudden I saw Christian " nice limo can I come with you?" He said I was like sure and we walked over to the limo. "Are you coming to?" Asked my mom He said "I wish I could" I told he can if he wanted to be he didn't. Victoria Katie and Emma walked over to me and their mouths just hung open. They couldn't believe they were in a limo. We went to get our nails done then went to pick up Noah and Drew. Then we went to a karaoke sushi place. Nathan got dropped off because he had base ball. We had our own privet party room and it was so much fun. In the end we all had a chopstick fight, we threw chopsticks everywhere. We got so loud my mom had to tell us to be quiet and that they could hear us in the front of the restaurant. It was so much fun.

When I got to school the next day people were mad I didn't invite them. Even Austin even though I asked him two days before at lunch if he wanted to come but he didn't respond. I told people if they wanted to come they could have asked me like Christian did. The people I named were people definitely coming because I asked them.

*End of flashback*

I always have a good time with Nathan. When he's not being a jerk he's a lot of fun to be around. Noah is a lot of fun to. He and Nathan both went to Brother Martin lays school year. They fight a lot and its weird because they look like the perfect pair of friends. Their in a fight right now because Nathan is going to Rummel next year but not for the education. He's going so he can be with Austin Cole Mason and Hayden. Noah actually hates Nathan he says he just so annoying and can't handle it at Brother Martin because his mom does all of his work. The night Nathan told me he was going to Rummel he asked me not to tell Noah. I already knew Nathan was going to tell Noah anyway to piss him off.



I'm sorry I didn't introduce half of these people in the beginning but it would have been to much. I know that this is short :| not much to tell

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