Its just myself and nobody else chapter3

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So summer is here and I hate it. Not that anything bad is happening but I miss school so much I miss seeing them all day I miss the humor I miss everything accept for the learning part. My next stop in my school life is at Cabrini and btw writing this on my day old iPad :). I got everyones number on the last day of school and took pictures and videos. Everyone was crying on the last day of school even the teachers I was strong though I had to be for everyone else. Trust me I wanted to cry but I didn't.


The last day of school how dramatic this will be. I was talking to Austin ( A/N were cool with each other now so I don't have a problem talking to him any mor 😊) and getting his number because my mom was planing stuff so that 7th grade can meet up. Then the bell rang and everyone sat in silence not because we had to but because we all new if one person said anything that persons voice would crack would and would start crying making all of us cry. We stayed like that for 10 minutes then we went to the church for the awards and stuff and that took about 2 and a half hours that included the mass we had before awards. The priest asked the seventh grader if we had any advice to give to the other kids in school so everyone said something but it was all dumb they missed the big picture so I raised my hand and said " the people That you hang around at any point in school are what you can become and act like so surround yourself with good people and make sure that they are your true friend". Then I went and sat back down and the priest said stuff about what I said and that it was a very good example and that people should follow it. We went back to class that's when people started crying and to make it worst the teacher put on" HOME " everyone cried so hard. It was like that for what seemed like forever. The bell rang and we said our last prayer and the teacher handed us our last report cards. She was crying and hugging us too. It was extremely hard for her because we were the first class that she had for three years it was so incredibly hard when people said that they don't want to leave she would say stuff like if you don't leave you can't grow up. When people would say I don't want to grow up she would say its a part of life if I could to it I would I don't want you to leave either. She told us that inside the folder with the awards and the report card was a letter the she hand wrote and told us not to open it until we got home and everyone of them was different. When I got outside masons mom wanted me to take a picture with him and some people from class. After the picture I saw Mateo and Aiden but Mateo wasn't wearing shoes I asked what happened and he said he threw them on the roof I was like that's such a good idea so I went and did it to it but I kept my shoe laces and wrote my name on the shoes and threw them on the roof of the school. I kept my shoe laces and when I got home I cut one in half and I wear it as a bracelet. When I got home I looked at my phone and Austin texted me saying he already missed me and I said we saw each other ten-minutes ago he said so I still miss you 😘😘.

I went back a few days later to help clean up the school for service hour and I was so sad that none of the teachers were there I really wanted to see them. Emma told me that they were there yesterday and her and our home room teacher were crying. I went to check on my shoes to see if they were there and the side of one shoe that has my name on it was facing the window. So now every time people walk past the window they can see my name.

I WILL BE REMEMBERED I screamed really loud

Then I was just sad that I wouldn't be around to see it during school anymore 🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍


So here I am in my room writing this board and now crying. I truly do miss st.rita a lot I will never forget it I will visit my teachers every chance I get and I hope that my brother has her as a homeroom teacher in 5th grade and all my other teachers. I hope they never have to leave that school I would be devastated. I have always said I hate school I can't wait to leave but when realization hit me and I realized I would never be in in the same class doing the same stuff with the same people at st.rita. It is my second home with the people I've crushed on and have been friends with since pre-kinder garden.

Btw my heart shattered when I read the letter she gave me my mom thought I broke a bone I was crying so hard




I KNOW THAT THIS IS SHORT BUT IT KILLS ME TO TALK ABOUT IT AND THIS IS HONESTLY HOW I FEEL ABOUT LEAVE AND I KNOW EVERYONE ELSE FELS THE SAME WAY 😟😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 on one up side I'm now officially popular and known for throwing the best parties ever 😕

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