Chapter 6

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*Annabelle's pov*
It's been two weeks since Jc and Kian came up to us in lunch and I haven't given it a thought until now. I'm skipping a class today because I've had so much school work and I just need a break, so I'm wandering around the school trying not to get caught by any teachers. I turn a corner and bump into someone. "Sorry" we say at the same time. It's Jc. "Hey, you never called me. " he says. Oh God. "Hi, sorry I've just been busy." I reply. "Anyways what are you doing?" He asks. I tell him I was skipping class and he suggests "well skipping and staying in school is boring- especially alone. Wanna go somewhere?" "Nah I'm good." I say. He continues, "oh come on, what's wrong with a little adventure?" He says with that award-winning smile of his. He makes a good point- if I just walk around school I'm bound to get caught. And there's nothing better to do... "okay." We start walking to get his car when a teacher stops us. "What are you two doing out of class?" Oh shit. "We-" I begin to say, but Jc jumps in and says "we just got here from a doctors appointment." He shows the teacher a late pass. "Both of you?" The teacher asks skeptically. "Yeah, he's my brother" I say. "Alright, well hurry back to class." The teacher says as we walk away. "That was a close one" I whisper so she won't hear us. "I know sis" he winks.

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