36: The Argument

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"You did what?" Dante asked, his face quickly going red.

Vanessa had skipped her dress fitting at the bridal store in order to help Dante walk Adelina to school. She needed to talk to him. He deserved to know what was happening.

"I was trapped between a rock and a hard place. I had no choice. I think I can still get out of it if I try hard enough." Vanessa looked straight ahead, unable to meet her friend's gaze.

Dante's chest rose and sank, his face visibly creased with worry. "I still can't believe that asshole coerced you into an engagement. He's pathetic."

"I couldn't agree more. And wait until he finds out I skipped my fitting. He'll have a royal fit. You know he wants to have the wedding next weekend?"

"Why is he in such a rush?" Dante asked.

"Why else? He's worried I'll back out and regret my decision," Vanessa sighed. "And he would be absolutely correct."

"Now that the IPO launch is over, can't you just dump him already?"

Vanessa fumbled with her clutch. "It's not that simple. If I do it right away, he can still throw all my cards down on the table and toss me headfirst into scandal. I have to find out something about him first so I can use it as a bargaining chip."

"Any luck so far?"

"Nothing," Vanessa admitted.

"Keep digging. I'm sure something will turn up before the wedding," Dante insisted.

"I hope you're right." Vanessa turned and admired Adelina. "Looks like you're doing a good job with her."

"I try my best."

"She's in a lot better spirits that before and I think she's finally accepted the death of her father and moved on."

"I hope so. I'd hate to always be living in Marco's shadow." Dante bit his lower lip. "I think she's finally accepting me as a father figure now, thank God. I've earned her respect." After a pause, he added, "How's it coming along with your...health?"

"You mean the chlamydia and my pregnancy?"

"Yes. I'm worried about you. Have you been taking your medicine?"

"Worry no more. It's completely healed. The doctors say I dodged a bullet. As for pregnancy, well, it is what it is. I'm taking it one baby step at a time. The side effects suck but I'm handling them, just like I'm handling everything else in my life."

"I still can't believe Aiden put you through all of that bullshit."

"I'm a tough cookie. I'll survive." Vanessa looked at Dante. His face was so contorted with worry that she felt bad for him. He didn't deserve to be dragged into all of this. She wished he'd been oblivious to her dramas. "Listen Dante, I'll be really busy for the next little while and what with all the paps following me around...I don't think we should see each other until this all blows over. We can keep in touch via the phone but out in public it's—"

"Say no more. I completely understand," Dante reassured her. He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. "I'm going to miss these talks. I hope you figure everything out soon. And if you ever need me for anything, just give me a call and I'll help out in any way I can."

"Thanks Dante. I appreciate it."

After they dropped off Adelina at school, Vanessa said her goodbyes and headed off to work. The day dragged on and she found herself forgetting things here and there. She was too distracted and far too vulnerable.

When she came home, the first thing she heard was Aiden's angry voice.

"What the fuck were you doing today?" Aiden yelled.

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